
2022-10-15 10:48:08 字數 3613 閱讀 5979

聽力部分 ( 40分)


一、 聽音,選出你所聽到的單詞,並將其前面的字母標號寫在題前的括


1. a. coldb. coolc. clever

2. a. eleven b. cleverc. everything

3. a. green b. greatc. guitar

4. a. tuesday b. thursdayc. friday

5. a. housework b. happenc. homework


( )1. a. my hair is short now.

b. my hair was long then.

2. a. robots can walk and talk.

b. robots can make cakes.

3. a. london is a big city.

b. london is a city of england.

4. a. lili is a nice girl.

b. lili is a bit shy.

5. a. you were so cute.

b. you were so naughty.



1. a. i h**e a picnic. b. i went to the park.

c. i』ll visit my uncle

2. my house. b. it』s red. c. yes, it is.

3. i amb. she is tall. c. it』s me.

4. a book. b. it』s long. c. it』s clean.

5. i amb. no, it won』t. c. no, i wil


a. sunny b. windy c. cool d. rainy e. cloudy

筆試部分( 60分)

五、 選出每組中不同類的一項,將其序號填入提前括號內。(共 10 分)

( )1.  a then b nowc. snow

( )2.  a ship b take c. learn

( )3.  a oldb young c. aunt

( )4.  a clean b. picnic c. dirty

( )5.  a homework b housework c. holiday

( )6.  .noodles

( ) 7.  b. carc. mother

( ) 8. a .  c .bigger

( ) 9.  .friday

( ) 10.a. robot     ben c. the great wall

六、單項選擇,將正確答案的序號填入提前括號內。(共 10 分)

( ) you take your kite tomorrow

a. no, i won』t. b. yes, it won』t. c. yes, it is.

today is thursday and tomorrow is

a. friday b. tuesday c. wednesday

they will to the park.

a. goesb. goingc. go

it』s a book pandas.

a. inb. aboutc. of

maomao is nice. she』s a bit shy.

a. butb. andc. so

amy can a kite.

a. flyingb. flyc. flies

will it be windy in beijing?

a. no, it will. b. yes, it will. c. yes, it is.

(   )8. on monday i will go

a. swim b. swiming

(  )9.one day , robots will do ____ .

a. anything   b. 不填 c. everything

they are my

a. grandparents b. grandpa c. grandparent


( )1.機械人會做蛋糕。

a. robot can do everything. b. they can help children learn.

c. robots can make cakes.

( )2. 明天將是晴天嗎?

a. it will do cold tomorrow. b. will it be sunny tomorrow?

c. will it be hot tomorrow?

( )3. 機械人會走路。

a. robots can talk. b. robots can walk. c. robots can』t walk.

( )4. 她是乙個好老師。

a. she』s a nice teacher.  b. she』s a bit shy.

c. she』s very nice.

( )5.那是一本關於倫敦的書。

a .it』s a book about london. b .london is the capital of england.

c. i』m from england.


ab( ) 1. who』s that boya. i will visit my grandpa.

( ) 2. was he fat thenb. yes, i will.

( ) 3. what will you do on sunday? c. it』s hyde park.

( ) 4. will you take your ball? d. no, he wasn』t.

( ) 5. what is ite. he is my brother.


1.is, this , my , mother (.)

2. house , very , is , small, my (.)

swimming, i』ll , on monday (.)


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聽力部分 共30分 一 選出你所聽到的單詞,將其序號填入題前的括號中。每小題2分,共10分 二 根據你所聽到的內容,給 標上序號。每小題2分,共10分 三 選出你所聽到的句子。每小題2分,共10分 can jump can ride fast.ride bikes to going to go by...


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