
2022-10-30 08:30:07 字數 5394 閱讀 7420



概念: 表示目前將要發生的動作或存在的狀態及打算、計畫或準備做某事。

時間狀語: tomorrow, next day(week, month, year…),soon, in a few minutes, by+將來的時間,the day after tomorrow

基本結構: am/is/are/going to + do 或 will/shall + do.

否定形式: am/is/aret going to + do或 will/shall not+ do.一般疑問句:am/is/are 放於句首或will/shall 提到句首。

helento shanghai next week.(fly)



( ) 1. therea meeting tomorrow afternoon.

a. will be going to b. will going to be c. is going to be d. will go to be

( ) 2. charliehere next month.

a. isn』t working b. doesn』t working c. isn』t going to working d. won』t work

( ) 3. hevery busy this week, but hefree next week.

a. will be; is b. is; is c. will be; will be d. is; will be

( ) 4. therea dolphin show in the zoo tomorrow evening.

a. was b. is going to h**e c. will h**e d. is going to be

( ) 5. –_____ you ______ free tomorrow?

– no. i _____ free the day after tomorrow.

a. are; going to; will b. are; going to be; will

c. are; going to; will be d. are; going to be; will be

( ) 6. motherme a nice present on my next birthday.

a. will gives b. will give c. gives d. give

( ) 7. – shall i buy a cup of tea for you?


a. no, you won』t. b. no, you aren』t. c. no, thanks. d. no, please.

( ) 8. – where is the morning *****?

– iit for you at once.

a. get b. am getting c. to get d. will get

( ) 9a concert next saturday?

a. there will be b. will there be c. there can be d. there are

( ) 10. if they come, wea meeting.

a. h**e b. will h**e c. had d. would h**e

( ) 11. heher a beautiful hat on her next birthday.

a. gives b. g**e c. will giving d. is going to give

( ) 12. heto us as soon as he gets there.

a. writes b. has written c. will write d. wrote

( ) 13. hein three days.

a. coming back b. came back c. will come back d. is going to coming back

( ) 14. if ittomorrow, we』ll go roller-skating.

a. isn』t rain b. won』t rain c. doesn』t rain d. doesn』t fine

( ) 15. – will his parents go to see the terra cotta warriors tomorrow?


a. they willn』t. b. they won』t. c. they aren』t. d. they don』t.

( ) 16. whoweswimming with tomorrow afternoon?

a. will; go b. do; go c. will; going d. shall; go

( ) 17. wethe work this way next time.

a. do b. will do c. going to do d. will doing

( ) 18. tomorrow he ___ a kite in the open air first, and then ____ boating in the park.

a. will fly; will go b. will fly; goes c. is going to fly; will goes d. flies; will go

( ) 19. the day after tomorrow theya volleyball match.

a. will watching b. watches c. are watching d. are going to watch

( ) 20. therea birthday party this sunday.

a. shall be b. will be c. shall going to be d. will going to be

( ) 21. theyan english evening next sunday.

a. are h**ing b. are going to h**e c. will h**ing d. is going to h**e

( ) 22youfree next sunday?

a. will; are b. will; be c. do; be d. are; be

( ) 23. hethere at ten tomorrow morning.

a. will b. is c. will be d. be

( ) 24your brothera magazine from the library?

a. are; going to borrow b. is; going to borrow

c. will; borrows d. are; going to borrows

( ) 25. – shall i come again tomorrow afternoon好的).

a. yes, please b. yes, you will. c. no, please. d. no, you won』t.

( ) 26. itthe year of the horse next year.

a. is going to be b. is going to c. will be d. will is

( ) 27open the window?

a. will you please b. please will you c. you please d. do you

( ) 28. – let』s go out to play football, shall we? – ok. i

a. will coming b. be going to come c. come d. am coming

( ) 29. itus a long time to learn english well.

a. will takes b. will take c. spends d. will spend

( ) 30. the trainat 11.

a. going to arrive b. will be arrive c. is going to d. is arriving


1. i ______(le**e)in a minute. i ______(finish)all my work before i ______ (le**e).

2. —what ______ you ______(do)after you ______(le**e)here?

—ireturn)home and ______(get)a job.

3. i ______(be)tired. i ______(go)to bed early tonight.

4. —_____ you _____(be)here this saturday?

—no. i ______(visit)my teacher.

5i ______(get)you a copy of today』s news*****?

—thank you.

6. most of us don』t think their team ______(win).





4.——下個星期一你打算去幹嘛? ——我想去打籃球。



一、1. c 2. d 3. d 4. d 5. d 6. b 7. c 8. d

9. b 10. b 11. d 12. c 13. c 14. c 15. b 16. d

17. b 18. a 19. d 20. b 21. b 22. b 23. c 24. b

25. a 26. a 27. a 28. d 29. b 30. d

二、1. am le**ing ; will finish ; le**e 2. will ; do ; le**e ; will return ; get

3. am ; will go 4. will, be ; will visit 5. shall ; get 6. will win

三、1.my uncle will come here tonight.

2.he isn't going to live in that small house.

3.we are going to read this book.

4.—what are you going to do next monday? —i』m going to play basketball.


roro alan,when will you go home?你什麼時候回家啊?alan 恩,我看下時間。i will go home at 5 00 this afternoon.我今下午5點回家。roro 那太好了,順便幫我去買本作業本吧。alan 沒問題。i ll do it on the ...


一般將來時表示將來某一時刻的動作或狀態,或將來某一段時間內經常的動作或狀態。常常和表示將來的時間狀語連用。一般將來時由助動詞shall 第一人稱 will 第 二 三人稱 動詞原形構成。現代英語則不管什麼人稱,一律用will。一般將來時 式 the future tense 一 基本句型 肯定句 i...


學習目標 一般將來時 1.掌握一般將來時的構成 2.掌握一般將來時的用法 知識梳理 1 一般將來時的定義 一般將來時表示將來某一時刻的動作或狀態或將來某一時間內經常發生的動作或狀態 2 一般將來時的形式 形式例句 第一人稱 shall 動詞原形i we shall meet him at six o...