牛津版高一英語上學期複習教案 第二講

2022-11-23 21:09:07 字數 4969 閱讀 6568


主審: 孫德霖(蘇州中學)


一、 教學內容:

牛津高中英語模組二unit 1(下)






一、 重要單詞:

survey, rate(v), questionnaire, construct, ensure, confusion, ignore, precise, specify, specific, reference, draft, inappropriate, humour, discount, apply, application, applicant, issue, interviewee, interviewer, revised, statistics, analyze, recommend, major, possibility, finding, horror, himalayas, description, attach, fur, hairy, imaginative, illustrate, source, organize, represent, event, entire.


conduct a survey進行民意調查, a list of一列、一欄, rules for適用於…的規則, one at a time每次乙個, state one』s opinions on發表對….的看法, point out指出, le**e….empty留下空白, in a … manner以…的方式, in return作為回報, job interview求職面試, intend to打算, make recommendations推薦, draw conclusions得出結論, run after追趕, become convinced確信, see….

with one』s own eyes親眼看見, give sb an idea of使某人對某事有所了解, hard evidence確切的證據.



a. 現在完成時的時間狀語。

1. 表示「以完成」用法,可以不用時間狀語,也可以和一下幾種時間狀語連用:

1)表示不確定的時間狀語,如 already, yet, before, recently, lately等。例如:

h**e you found your wallet yet?

we h**e already read the book on ufo.

we h**en』t been in town lately.

it has rained quite recently.

2) 表示頻度的時間狀語,如 often, sometimes, rarely, ever, never, once, twice, many times 等。例如:

i h**e sometimes had letters from her.

i』ve never heard them say so.

he has used the cards only twice, they are still quite new.


i feel much better since i took the pills.

it is dull here since you left.

3)表示包括現在時間在內的時間狀語,如 now, today, this morning, this year, just等。例如:

man has now learnt how to release energy from atoms.

i』ve just seen your parents.

we h**e had too much rain this year.

2. 表示「未完成」用法,表示動作或狀態從過去某時開始,繼續到現在,可能繼續下去,也可能剛剛結束,可以和以下幾種時間狀語連用:

1) for後面加一段時間,如for a year, for a whole week 等。「all+時間」表示一段時間,前面可以不用all。如all day, all year.

2) 介詞或連詞since 後面加時間的起點。例如:

i h**en』t seen him since last week.

i met him last week and h**en』t seen him since.

great change has taken place since you left here.

he has written to me often since i fell ill.

3)其他表示包括現在在內的一段時間的狀語,如until(till, up to) now, so far, in(for) the last few years, these days, always, 等。例如:

i h**e always wanted to h**e a car like this.

he has been in prison these ten years.

no hard evidence for the existence of yetis has been found so far.

where h**e you been all this while?

b. 現在完成進行時的用法要點

1. 一般只適用於動作動詞, 所表示的動作具有持續性、暫時性和未完成性。例如:

i h**e been writing this article for 3 hours.

she has been talking about her new dress since breakfast.

h**e you two been fighting while i was away?


i』ve just been w**ing good-bye to them.

we h**e just been talking about you.

2. 用how long…?詢問目前正在進行的動作的時間長度,習慣上多用現在完成進行時。例如:

how long h**e you been waiting?

how long has she been learning english?

3. 一些狀態動詞用作動作動詞時,也能用現在完成進行時。例如:

there is something i』ve been meaning to tell you.(有件事情我一直想告訴你)。

you h**e been seeing her all along (你一直跟她來往)。




may i introduce myself?

allow me to introduce myself, my name is peter.

mr. lee, let me introduce mr. lin.

i want you to meet my friend, ed.

this is my buddy, john.

2. 初次見面:

how do you do?

i』m pleased to meet you.

i』m happy to make your acquaintance.

i』m very glad to h**e the opportunity of meeting you.

i』ve been looking forward to meeting you.

tom has told me a lot about you.

3. 問候朋友、熟人:

how are you today?

how are you getting on?

how』s everything?

how are you doing?

h**en』t seen you for ages.

long time no see.

it』s been ages since we last met.


1. these rules are to ensure that the questions and statements do not cause any confusion.



you are to carry out his order to the word.你應該嚴格執行他的命令。

the president is to make an important speech.**將發表重要講話。

these exercises are to prepare you for the final test.這些練習是為了期末考試做準備的。


large-enlarge(擴大), wide-widen(拓寬), strength-strengthen(加強), courage-encourage(鼓勵),joy-enjoy

2. special/ specific

special: 特別的、專用的,格外的,特設的;specific詳細而精確的、明確的,特定用途的。例如:

he did it as a special f**our for her.

what is your special interest?

he has a special seat in the library.

hongkong is a special administrative region in china.

you h**e to give specific reason if you want turn down his invitation.




高一上學期是高中教育的起始階段,教育就顯得尤為重要,為了使學生圓滿完成新課標要求的各項學習任務,盡快適應新的環境,在各方面能夠健康發展,把英語教學搞的有聲有色,必須有乙個切實可行的教學計畫。特制定英語教學計畫如下 一.教材分析 教材是 課標 的具體表現,是學生學習的 藍本 現在使用的人教版英語教材每...


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