外研英語八上M1 M12連詞成句

2022-12-01 08:09:02 字數 1315 閱讀 1842


m11.在課上我們應該總是講英語。 (should ,english ,always, we ,speak in class

2.讓我們盡可能多地講英語。( speak, let's, possible,english ,try to,as much as

為什麼不在我們的筆記本上記下錯誤呢? (write down ,our notebooks, why not,the mistakes,in )

4. 每天大聲拼讀生詞是乙個好主意。 (good idea ,and,it's , a,to spell , new words ,pronounce,aloud,

every day

5.為什麼我們不找些說英語的筆友呢?(try to,english ,why don』t, find ,some ,pen friends,we )

6. 我也建議你與朋友談論一下電影與歌曲。(also ,advise,i, you ,with, to talk about ,your friends,

the films ,or songs

7.我害羞而且我害怕與她交談(am , and ,i ,shy,i, and ,speak to ,and ,her)

8.忘記新單詞是合乎情理的(to forget ,new,natural ,it is , words)

9. 我建議你每天在紙上寫下四五個單詞。(suggest ,four or five ,you , words a day, write,i , on pieces of


10.聽廣播怎麼樣?( listening, to ,the radio, how about

m21. 我的家鄉因很多美麗的小湖泊而聞名。(is famous for, my, beautiful ,home town, small lakes, many )

2. 我爸爸通常比我媽媽忙。(is, than ,my father, usually busier ,my mother)

3. 他喜歡很多科目,例如語文、英語和數學。(likes, such as ,he, many subjects ,chinese, english and


4. 我確信飛機將會按時到達。(i ,on time, the plane ,am sure, will arrive)

5. 事實上,深圳是一座年輕的城市。(shenzhen , a young city ,in fact, is)

6. 我希望有一天我能成為像我爸爸一樣的醫生。 (i hope, i can ,become, like my father , a doctor,

one day


4.over there 在那邊 5.in trouble 處於困境 6.get into trouble 陷入困境 7.h e trouble in doing sth做某事有困難 8.no good.不合適的,不方便的 9.no wonder 難怪 10.no entry to the muse...


m7一.短語 1.把 連線到 上 2.開啟 電器等 3.在電腦上 4.在 的左邊 5.儲存檔案 6.一盒 7.當然 8.和 交談 9.上網 10.聽 11.在學校 12.在網際網路上 13.搜尋,搜查,搜尋 14.做作業 15.在家 16.玩電腦遊戲 17.給 寫信,電子郵件 18.1.5倍 一倍半...

外研2019版四年級上M1 M4要點

module1 unit1 標題句it was my birthday on saturday.重點句it was my birthday on saturday.we were at buckingham palace.知識點1,表示過去某天是某人生日的句型。it was one s birthd...