
2022-12-25 05:15:03 字數 4167 閱讀 6016


( )4. a. tom usually rides a bike to school.

b. tom usually goes to school on foot.

c. tom usually takes a bus to school.

( )5. a. lisa was listening to music when her father came in .

b. lisa was listening to music when her mom came in .

c. lisa was wathing tv when her mom came in .


( )6 . a. swimming. parrort. c. english and math.

( )7 . a. yes , it is expensive.

b. in front of a supermarket.

c. no,not at all.

( )8. a. ten yuan. b. yes ,there are. c. five old ones.

( )9. a. they are wathing tv. b. he is reading. was eating.

( )10. a. it will be sunny . b. monday. c. march 1st.



( )11.when did the girl start playing the violin?

a.at nine. b.at 10c.at 11.

( )12 . what did the girl think of mary martin?

a.she was fun. b.she was friendly. c.she was strict.


( )13.what does kate h**e?

a.books. b.pets. c.toy animals.

( )14.how does the boy mainly learn about animals?

a.from tv programs. b.from books. c.from zoos.


( )15.what team is the boy on?

a.the football team.

b.the baslketball team.

c.the tennis team.

( )16. how many people will go to harvey』s house?

a. eleven. b.thirteen. c. fifteen.

( )17.how will the boy come back home?

a.by bus. b.by bike. c.by car.

聽第四段對話,回答第18—20小題。 :

( )18.why did tom come into the room?

a.he had a date with maria.

b.he wanted to talk to maria.

c. he wanted to h**e a lettle typed.

( )19. what language is jane learing?

a. japanese. b. french.

( )20. what may maria do next year?

a. she may go to japan.

b. she may change her job.

c. she may go to a night school.


( )21. a. cities b. storm c. earthquake

( )22. b. helpful

( ) tigers b. pandas

( )24. a. jiangsu b. shandong

( )25.



( ) 1.it is said that sars has killed over people all over the world.

hundreds b. two hundred

c. two hundreds of d. two hundred of

( ) 2. fanny _____ tv at this time last saturday.

a. has watched b. was watching

c. watchedd. is watching

( ) 3.john is as as my brother.

a. athletic b. more athletic

c. most athletic d. much athletic

( ) 4. he doesn』t h**e any money

a. either b. too c. also d. but

( ) 5. the boy is ______to go to school .

a. enough old b. enough young

c. old enough d. young enough

( ) you mind ______ the litters, please?

a. dropingb. drop

to drop

( ) 7. the tv is too loud. could you please ___?

a. turn it down b. turn down it

c. turning it down down it

( ) 8. ____ in public is impolite.

loudb. talking loudly

c. talk loudly

( ) 9. they ____ five days mending the plane.

a. paid b. took c. spent

( )10. in china, people like giving big gifts to __.

a. someone else b. else someone

c. other someone d. someone other

( )11. she is a ______ girl.

a. thirteen years old b. thirteen year old

c. thirteen-years -old d. thirteen-year-old

( )12. people don』t need to spend ____ money buying gifts.

a. too many b. much too

c. too much d. many too

( )13. --when did you get the gift?

-- _____ my _____ birthday.

a. on, sixth b. in, sixth c. on, six d. in, six

( )14. this room is ____ small ____ hold these people.


八年級下學期期末考試數學模擬試卷 一 考試時間90分鐘,滿分100分 學校班級姓名 1 選擇題 每小題3分,共30分 1.下列四種標誌圖案中,既是軸對稱圖形又是中心對稱圖形的是 abcd 2.下列各式由左邊到右邊的變形中,屬於因式分解的是 a x x 1 x2 xb x2 6x 9 x x 6 9 ...


八年級數學 一 單項選擇題 共10個小題,每小題3分,滿分30分 1 下列根式中屬最簡二次根式的是 a bcd 2 已知直線y k 2 x k不經過第三象限,則k的取值範圍是 a k 2b k 2c 03 如圖,在三角形紙片abc中,ac 6,a 30,c 90,將 a沿de摺疊,使點a與點b重合,...


羅定市船步中學2013 2014學年度第二學期期中 八年級數學複習訓練測試試卷 一 班級學號姓名得分 一 選擇題 每小題4分,共40分 1.如果有意義,那麼的取值範圍是 b abcd 2 若,則化簡後為 b ab.cd.3 下列計算錯誤的是 d ab cd 4 若 abc中,ab 13,ac 15,...