補差試卷 2

2022-12-29 11:54:04 字數 4154 閱讀 4270





( ) 1.當你在早晨上學路上遇到同學的時候,你可以說

a.good morning! b. thanks ! c. good evening! d. good afternoon!

( ) 2.下列大寫字母是兩筆完成的是

a.ghp b. xqp d. rko

( ) 3.當對方幫了你的忙後,你應該說

a. ok b. i am ok. c. how are you ? d. thanks !

( ) 4---- how are you

a. fine, thanks. b. how are you? c. how do you do? d. nice to meet you.

( ) 5. 當你不認識某物時,你應用英語向別人問

a. what』s this ? b.

what this is ? c. what color is it ?

d. this is what ?

( ) 6.---- what color is it

a. it』s a red b. it』s an red c. it red. d. it』s red.

( ) 7.---- what is this

a. it』s ruler. b. it』s a orange c. it』s a ruler. d. it』s pen.

( ) 8. what』s thisenglish ?

a. on b. ok c. in d. to

( ) 9it』s yellow.

a. what』s this ? b.

what』s color is it? c. how are you ?

d. what color is it?

( )10.」cctv」的中文意思是

a.英國廣播公司  b.中國**電視台 c.美國職業籃球協會 d.不明飛行物

( )11.---- spell it , please

a. m-a-p b. m-a-p c. m-a-p d. m-a-p

( )12. 選出不同型別的一項

a. yellow b. brown c. key d. black

( ) color is ________jacket ? it 』s blue .

a. the b. a c. an d./

( )14 ----hello, li mingmike!

a. good b. fine c. hello d .bye

( ) 15. ---is your name cindy

a. yes, i am b. yes, it is. c. yes, i am not. d. no, i am.


hello, boys and girls! i 16 frank smith. frank is my 17 name..

smith is my 18 name. this is 19 backpack. it 20 black.

oh, that is 21 eraser. its color is 22 .but(但是) it 23 my eraser.

i found(發現) it 24 the school library(圖書館). is this 25 eraser? please call (打**給)me at 687-5926.

( ) isb. arec. amd. be

( ) last b. familyc. fulld. first

( ) first b. onec. lastd. given

( )19a. you b. myc. id. me

( )20a. am b. are c. isd. be

( ) ab. anc. thed. /

( ) white b. white color c. a white d. the white

( ) amb. isc. isn』td. aren』t

( ) inb. toc. ofd. at

( ) your b. youc .med. my


this is a boy. he is d**id hunt. he is 13 years old.

his phone number is six-zero-nine, one-two-eight-nine. that is a girl. she is ann king.

she is 12 years old. her phone number is two-three-four, five-zero-one-seven. they are good friends.

they are in no.2 middle school.

根據短文內容判斷正誤,正確的寫t,錯誤的寫 f。

( )26. his name is d**id hunt.

( )27. her first name is king.

( )28. ann is 13 years old.

( )29. his phone number is 609-1298.

( )30 they are in no.2 middle school.



( ) down(請坐), pleasea. good evening.

( ) morningb. hi, li lei!

( ) afternoonc. i』m fine ,thanks.

( ) eveningd. good morning.

( )35how are youe. it』s red.

( ) good afternoon.

( )37. what』s this in englishg .thank you..

( )38 what color is ith. it』s a pen.


a: 39 .

b: it is a photo of my family

a: may i h**e a look(看一看)?

b: sure, 40 .

a: who is this man? is he your father?

b: no, he isn』t. 41 .

a: 42 .

b: she is my sister..

a: are they your parents?

b: _43__.




is (縮寫形式完全角式



(1)----hi, i am linda, what _______ your name? ----my name _______ lisa.

(2)----hello! howyou? ----i______ fine, thank you.

(3)----what _______ your telephone number? ----it555-80.

(4she gina? ----yes, she


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