
2022-12-30 18:18:07 字數 2009 閱讀 3375

一、 單詞中譯英/英譯中30







二、 根據句子含義填入正確的單詞,單詞的第乙個字母已給出。20

book do you like?

me a red book.

your b empty?

no,mine if f .

is a table in the m of the room.

is sitting u the tree.

the children these ice c .

s the letter to me.

must t off your shoes before coming into this room.\

your j ?

i』m e .

are you t ?

i am f .

三、 選擇填空。16

1.--whose that dress?

--that is .

a. does, her b. does, hers c. is, her d. is, hers

2. this your book. here .

a. are you b. you are c. is it d. you it

3. whose umbrella is this? is it

a. tom b. tom』s c. her d. your

4. come upstairs see it.

a. and b. to c. but d. then

5. look,the cat after the dog.

a. runs b. runing c. is runing d. is running

6. my mother is the table.

a. dust, dress b. dusting , dress c. dust,dressing

7. look at the house is the left.

b. in c. at

umbrella is .

a. my b. your c. his

四、 句子英漢互譯。24

1. is this your watch?

2. what nationality is she?

3. what』s your job? i』ma postman.

4. these ice creams are very nice.

5. we are tired and thirsty.

6. 打擾一下。你是瑪麗麼?是的,我是的。

7. 你的自行車是什麼顏色的?

8. 這把雨傘是誰的?

9. 瑪麗的房間很大。房間中間有個桌子。

10. 桌子上有個空瓶子。桌子上還有乙隻盤子。



五、 判斷下列句子是否正確,不正確的請改正。10

1. here are your umbrella and coat.

2. this not is my house.

3. is that you car?

4. is it her handbag?no,it is my.

5. i is a new student.


2011 2012年期中考試試卷反思 高二十班陳亮 一 基本情況 1.本次考試 語文92 數學92 英語119 物理86 化學67 生物69 總分 525 班級排名 12 年級排名 21 2.上學期期末考試 語文99 數學64 英語119 物理53 化學59 生物70 總分 464 班級排名 35 ...

期中試卷 02

小學語文五年級下冊期中測試卷 班別姓名等級 一 語言積累及運用 36分 1 看拼音寫詞語 5分 l m o hu hu n w r ch n f p o xi o 2 下列各組詞語中,加點的字讀音全部正確的一組是 2分 a 好 h o 客似 s 乎蒙 m n 古包咀嚼 ju b 清平樂 l 亡 w ...


2014 2015學年度四年級上冊英語期末考試試卷 含答案 聽力部分 一.listen and circle.聽錄音圈出你所聽到的單詞。1 window wall 2 notebook maths book 3 strong fat 4 chinese book english book 5 fri...