仁愛英語九年級unit3 topic 2 練習

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section a b












1.is australian englishbritish english? (和。。。一樣)

2.sometimes the meaning can changethe country where it is spoken. (取決於。。。;依賴於。。。。)

3.lucy isschool. (在…..的路上)

4.kangkang and michael is going to the airport to ______them為。。送行)

5.michael sees a foreignerhis hand with his thumb raised. (伸出)

6.the foreigner is搭車)


1. were you ____ the task?

a. success in finishing b. successful in finishing

c. successful to finish d. successfully in finishing

2. in the past twenty years, she has been so ___ training the soldiers.

a. successful in b. successful

c. success in d. succeed in

3.could you make yourself ________in the

a understand b understood c understanding d to understand

4. we h**e difficulties________ foreigners

a understand b understood c understanding d to understand

5. i'm still worried _______my english.

a about b on c in d of

6. your marks depend ______ your performance. (你的成績取決於你的表現)

a about b on c in d of

7. for example, there are differences ______british english and american english.

a about b on c in d between

8. can you find somewhen you are learning english and chinese?

a difference b differently c differences d different

9. english is spoken_______ in ________english-speaking countries.

a difference; differently b differently; differences

c differently; different d different; differently

10. in some important ways, they are different _______one another.

a about b from c in d between

meaning of this word is the same ___ that one.

a about b from c as d between

section c d


1 至於2. 做某事有困難

3. 靠近4.喜愛...









1shenzhen was a small village, but now it becomes a modern city.(最初)

2. how did these differences形成,產生)

3. though書面英語)is similar in britain and america口語)is quite different.

4american english is different from british english.(大體上來說)

5me, i think english is difficult. (對於,至於)

6. is your homeyour school? (靠近)

7. are youlistening music? (喜愛)

8. wedo too much homework.(被迫)

9the english language is changing all the time.(總而言之)

10.it』s difficult toanother culture.(理解;吸收)


1. _____the spelling differences, you can easily find them when you use a computer.

a as for b as to c as in d as on

2. the disneyland is close_____ los angeles.

a in b on c to d of

3. children are fond of _______ candy.(糖果)

a eat b to eat c eating d ate

4. can you tell me how the accident came_______?

a about b on c between d of

5. i was forced _______a taxi because i couldn't catch the last bus.

a to take b take c took d taking

6. maria hastroublemath, so she often asks her teacher for help.

a much; understanding b no; with c many; understanding d not; to understand

7. generallythe plan is good.

a speak b spoken c to speak d speaking

8. the english language has ______many new words from other languages.


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