
2023-01-02 10:00:04 字數 3389 閱讀 4023

unit 4 why don』t you talk to your parents? section a


1)允許2)閒逛3) 和…打架

4)在**裡5) 以致,以便

6) 瀏覽7) 生某人的氣

8) 重大的事9) 解決


12).溝通13)和...爭吵________ 14)反而,卻



19為什麼不)talk to your parents.

20).i h**e too study too much_______(所以)i don』t get ______(足夠)sleep.

21).my parents don』t _____(允許) me ____ hang out with my friends.

22)i got into a ______(打架) with my best friend.

23).i』m really tired because i studied ______(直到)midnight last night

二、 句型專練

1、 你能區別too much ,much too , too many 嗎?用too much, much too, too many 填空1)there arebuildings in the city.

2)-i don』t h**emoney. can you lend me some?

3)your room isdirty. could you please clean it up.


my parents don』t allow meplay)computer games for long .


(1)why don』t you do something? /why not do something? 「 你為什麼不做某事呢?」

(2)could you please do something? 請你做某事好嗎?

(3)you』d better (not) do something.「你最好(不)做某事」

(4) let』s do sth…? 讓我們做某事吧

(5) shall we do something? 我們做某事好嗎

(6)how /what about doing sth.?(about是個介詞,可跟名詞或動名詞)「…怎麼樣?」

(7)would you mind+ doing something? 你介意做某事嗎?

(8), would you like sth …?:「你想要某物嗎」

would you like to do something?你想要做某事嗎?

試一試:1. ---why notwear) a hatgood idea.

2. ---how aboutvisit) our teacherthat sounds good.

3. ---let』stake) the dog for a walksorry, i can』t.

4. would you mind myopen) the door? ----of course not.

5. would you likecome) to my party? -----i』d love to, but…


1. how manytomato) do you need ?

2. my parents allow mehang out ) with my friends.

3. i』m not good atwrite) letter.

4. why don』t yougo) to sleep earlier this evening?

found my sisterlook) through my things yesterday.


am not good _______finding mistakes.

should talk ___your parents ____the problem.

i looked_____the letter, i found some unknown words,

i looked them___in the dictionary.

5、i am very angry ______ my brother.

五、 單項選擇

( )1he』s old, he can still carry this he**y bag.

a. though b. since c. for

( )2 .we won』t start ______ bob comes.

a. when b .ifc. until

( ) boy isto carry the box.

a. enough strongly b enough strong c strong enough d strongly enough

( )4. the math problem is too difficult, few students can

a work on it b work it on c work out it d work it out

( ) 5.—i think drinking milk every morning is good our health.

a .for b .to c .at d. with

( ) 6would you pleeasethe ***** for me and see if there are any mistakes」-- ok.

around through c. look up into

( )1. itisdifficult______me_______

( )2.shedidn』tsingthesongatthepartylastnight.

( )3.

( )4.—there_______aconcertthisevening.—yeah,excitingnews.

unit 4 why don』t you talk to your parents?



( )1.—you _______ write him a letter to say you are sorry for it.

—i 』m not good at writing want to talk about it _______ the phone.

( )2. ither four hoursthe work yesterday.

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