
2023-01-08 16:45:04 字數 2828 閱讀 8303





i. 聽錄音,從每小題a、b、c中選出你所聽到的詞語或句子, 將其序號填入題前( )裡,聽兩遍。(10分)

( ) 1. a. chinese b. math c. music

( ) 2. a. wallb. weather c. warm

( ) 3. a. fifteen b. thirteen c. fourteen

( ) 4. a. duck b. dress c. dog

( ) 5. a. what are theseb. are these tomatoes?

c . are they horses?

ii. 聽錄音,判斷下列**與你所聽到的句子是否相符,相符的在( )裡寫t,不相符的寫f,聽兩遍。(10分)

12345. ( )


筆試部分 70分

iv. 從每小題a、b、c中選出不同類的詞,填入題前( )裡。(10分)

( ) 1. a. dinner b. gym c. lunch

( ) 2. a. canteen b. fanc. library

( ) 3. a. windy b. rainy c. twenty

( ) 4. a. long b. cheap c. expensive

( ) 5. a. sandalsb. boots c. socks

v. 從每小題a、b、c中選出與**對應的詞,填入題前( )裡。(10分)

1 234 5

( ) 1. a. cucumber b. carrot c. onion

( ) 2. a. light b. board c. computer

( ) 3. a. goat b. pig c. rabbit

( ) 4. a. shoes b. pants c. shorts

( ) 5. a. playground b. garden c. washroom

vi. 從每小題a、b、c中選出最佳答案,填入題前( )裡。(10分)

( ) 1is the art room?

it's on the second floor.

a. who b. what c. where

( ) 2

i want a white jacket.

a. can i help you b. what』s this c. whose is it

( ) 3. it's time _____ go home.

a. for b. to c. on

( ) 4. can i wear my t-shirt?_____

a. no, you can't. b. yes, you can't. c. no, you can.

( ) 5. ---- what are these?


a. it isb. this is c. they are

vii. 根據問句在方框內選擇相應答句,並將其序號填在題前( )裡。(10分)

( ) time is ita. it』s ten yuan

( ) the weather like today? b. it』s five o』clock.

( ) much is this shirtc. no, it isn』t.

( ) many pictures are there? d. it』s cold today.

( ) this your jackete. twelve.


a. thank you!

b. do you h**e lunch at school?

c. how many students are there in your class?

d. no,it isn』t. e. this is our teacher』s office.

wu: welcome to our schoolthat is my classroom.


wu: forty-five.


wu: yes! the canteen is on the first floor.

mike: is that the tv room?

wuit』s the computer room.

mike: wow! your school is cool!

wuix. 連詞成句,注意書寫規範。(10分)

1. are how they much ?

2. your is t-shirt this ?

3. there horses are many how ?

4. for it』s math class time .

5. it colour is what ?


小學四年級英語學生學業評價標準 一 評價內容 基礎教育階段英語課程的總體目標是培養學生的綜合語運用能力 綜合語言運用能力的形成建立在學生語言技能 語言知識 情感態度 學習策略和文化意識等素養整體發展的基礎上語言知識和語言技能是語言綜合運用能力的基礎,文化意識是得體運用語言的保證情感態度是影響學生學習...

人教版四年級數學下冊期末學業評價 精心編制

1 比0.5大又比0.7小的一位小數只有乙個 2.0.58和0.580的大小相等,計數單位也相等 請說說你是怎樣想的 3 乙個三角形中最少有兩個銳角 4 等腰三角形一定是等邊三角形 5.乙個直角三角形的內角和是180 兩個相同的直角三角形拼成乙個大直角三角形,它的內角和是360 三 精挑細選 我會選...


數學試題 一 選擇題 每小題2分,共24分,在每小題給出的四個選項中,只有乙個選項是符合題目要求的,請將正確答案的番號寫入題後的括號內 1 函式的自變數x的取值範圍是 a x 2 b.x 2 c.x 2 d.x 2 2 已知分式的值是2,那麼x的值是 a.3 b.3 c.1 d.1 3 在一組資料3...