
2023-01-22 01:57:03 字數 4890 閱讀 4272



而倒裝可分為二種:將整個謂語提到主語之前叫完全倒裝(full invention);而只將be動詞、情態動詞或助動詞放在主語之前叫做部分倒裝(partial invention)。一、完全倒裝


1) here hung a picture of enormous size, painted by tintoretto, (shaw).2) there goes the bell.3) now comes your turn.

4) then followed three days of he**y rain.

2.在there be (stand, exist, happen, live, appear, lie, occur, rise, seem, come, remain等)句型中。1) there are at least thousands of people in the square.

2) there stands a tall tree in front of our school gate.

3) there happened to be no body in the bedroom when the fire broke out.3.在象聲詞或以out、in、up、down、away等副詞開頭的句子裡。

1) click, click, went the we**ing room.

2) crackle, crackle, crackle came the gun and the young soldier felt very frightened.3) higher and higher flew the plane, and at last it disappeared in the clouds.4.

當表示地點的介詞片語在句首時。1) at the foot of the hill lies a beautiful lake.

2) the soldiers ran to the building, on the top of which flew a flag.3) east of the lake lie two towns.

4) under the tree was lying a wounded soldier.

在上述四種句子中,如果主語為人稱代詞,則不需要倒裝。如:in he came and back he went again.二、部分倒裝

1. only在句首,修飾副詞,介詞詞組成狀語從句時。1) only then did he find it important to get along with others.

2) only in this way can we make great progress.3) only after he came back were you able to see him.

如果句子為主從復合句,則主句倒裝,從句不倒裝。only when he is seriously ill, does he ever stay in bed

以關聯連詞not only...but also開首的句子或者分句也是如此,如:

not only did they break into his office and steal his books, but they also tore up his manuscripts.

注:只有當not only... but also連線兩個分句時,才在第乙個分句用倒裝結構。

如果置於句首的not only...but also僅連線兩個並列詞語,不可用倒裝結構。not only you but also i am fond of music.

另外:位於句首的only,(包括連詞not only...but also)只修飾(或連線)主語部分,則不引起倒裝。

如:only a sound body can house a sound mind.

不過請注意下面句子:only five of them did i see in the office.

2.當句首狀語為否定詞或帶有否定含義的詞語時,常見的這類詞或詞語有not, never, hardly, seldom, ,scarcely以及not until, no sooner...than(一…就…), hardly...


1) seldom had i seen such a beautiful picture.

2) hardly had i arrived home when the phone rang.

3) not until i began to work did i realize how much time i had wasted.(met90)4) at no time h**e i said such a thing.

5) not a finger did i lay on him.(觸犯,冒犯)6) to few people does such an opportunity occur.



1. not a leaf had fallen from the trees though autumn was well advanced.2.

in no time the locusts came clown and started eating everything.3. not infrequently they go abroad.


1) should i be free this afternoon, i will come and help you with your lesson.2) were i in your place, i would not be fit for your job.

3) had it not been for the captain, the ship would h**e sunk with all on board.

我們可以說were it not...或者had it not been...,但不可以說weren』tit...

或者hadn』t it been...因此下列句子應視為病句。

weren』t it for his wife』s money,he』d never be a director.4.在so ...

that, to such...that或者in such ...that的句型中。

1) so beautifully did they dance that the tall white lilies peeped in at the window.(oscar wilde)2) to such lengths did she go in rehearsal that two actors walked out.3) in such a hurry did the man rush out that he almost knocked me down.

5.當so位於句首,表示前面所說的情況也適用於另一人(或物)時。i trusted him completely.

so would anyone who know him.

在so it is (was)with的句型或者當so表示「的確如此,確實是這樣」,以示同意和肯定某種說法,或者加以強調時,常常不引起倒裝。

1) jack studies german,but he doesn』t study it is with jim.2)「it』s going to be a cold winter.」「yes,so the news***** says.

」3) li ping studies he does.


you say tom went to the ball yesterday, so he did, and so did i.6.當neither or位於句首,表示前面否定的內容也適用於另一人或物時;或表示否定的意義在延伸的時候。

1)「i didn』t mean what i said,you know.」「neither(nor)did i」.2)i don』t do i care.

注意neither nor的特殊用法。

1)just as i h**en』t good eyes,so neither has my son, neither h**e my children.(當just as...,so...


2)if he doesn』t go,neither will i.(在if條件句後用來引起乙個主句時,只能用neither.)3) you can』t do it,nor can i, nor can anybody else.


mary a time has he given me good advice.

8.有時為了平衡句子的需要,以避免頭重腳輕之感。1) gone forever are the dark days of the old society.

2) such are the rewards that always crown virtue (shakespeare).

在以上各類句型中,如果謂語動詞只有系動詞be,則這類句子應屬於全倒裝。so small was the mark that i could hardly see it.




5. not only開頭句,前一分句須倒裝。had,were,should虛擬句,省略if半倒裝。2


完全倒裝用法歸納 完全倒裝,即將謂語移到主語前。英語中構成完全倒裝的情形主要有 1.以 here,there,now,then,out,in,up,down,off,away 等方向性副詞開頭的句子,且句子主語是名詞時,句子用完全倒裝。如 here comes the bus.公共汽車來了。now ...


倒裝在英語中,主語和謂語的語序通常是主語在前,謂語在後。但有時由於語法或修辭的需要將謂語的部分或全部提到主語前面,這樣的語序叫做 倒裝 倒裝的種類 部分倒裝 助動詞 情態動詞 主語 謂語的實義動詞 全部倒裝 謂語 主語 一.在特殊句型中 1.在疑問句中 eg is this your cell ph...

高中語法教學設計 倒裝句

book 5 unit 4 grammar inversion 一 教學設計 一 教學目標 1.知識與技能 1 通過本節課的學習使學生理解倒裝句的概念 2 在練習中體會並掌握倒裝句的用法 3 提高學生的語言應用能力 4 解決從語法學習到實際運用的轉化的問題。2.文化與策略 1 通過合作學習讓學生了解...