
2023-01-22 19:54:03 字數 4851 閱讀 1912



必修一 unit 1

1. add

add up 合計 add up to 合計為,加起來是…… add a to b把a加到b裡

add to 增添,加強,擴建,增加 eg: take care to add up the bill correctly.

the figures add up to 321. she added some sugar to tea. this song added to our enjoyment.

the rise in electricity costs added to our difficulty.

2. be upset about / over / by sth. 對……感到心煩. upset one』s stomach 使某人的腸胃不適

eg: she was upset about the quarrel. i』m sorry i didn』t mean to upset you.

3. ignore→ignorant adj. 無知的→ignorance n. 無知,不知道

be ignorant of sth=be in (complete) ignorance of sth. 對……(完全)不知道

eg: we are ignorant of his plan/in ignorance of his plan..

4. calm down (可作及物、不及物動詞短語) (使)鎮靜/平靜下來

eg: at last, the wind calmed down. try to calm down the children。

they are too excited.

5. be concerned about 關心…… be concerned with 與……有關

as / so far as sb be concerned 就……而言=in one』s opinion

eg: why are you so concerned about the boy』s safety?

we couldn』t prove he was concerned with the crime, so we had to release(釋放) him. [=set him free]

6. go through經歷,通過,檢查,搜查,完成,被批准,遭受(不愉快的事情),仔細閱讀

get through 通過,完成,接通**(to sb)

eg: the law has gone through. the police went through the suspect』s clothes.

the man is too fat to get through the doorway(門通過).

when he was a child, he went through a hardship one often another.

7. set down/put down/write down/take down 記下,寫下

8. on purpose故意地 with the purpose of 帶有……的目的

by accident 意外地,偶然地 by mistake 錯誤地

9. in order to + v原 in order that + 從句 in order 有條理的,狀況良好,沒出故障

out of order 亂七八糟的,出故障的 in order of 按……的順序

10. at dusk at night at noon at dawn at daybreak at dark

11. suffer sth 遭受/經受/忍受/經歷某事 suffer pain / defeat / death(喪生) / losses(遭受挫失)

suffer from sth. 患病,因……而遭受折磨,因……而遭受損失

eg: she often suffers from headache. the crops suffer from the floods.

12. be tired of 對……厭煩 be tired with / from 對……感到勞累

13. sb agree with sb / one』s idea / opinion / view / what sb said同意某人(的觀點)

agree to sth 同意[plan, advice, suggestion, proposal, decision, arrangement ]

sth agree with sth 與……一致,與……相符 sth agree with sb某事適合某人,某人適應某事

agree on sth 就……達成共識 (主語要2人以上)

eg: they agreed on the price of second-hand car.

14. power n. 影響力,權力,電力,力量 under / in one』s power 在某人的控制中

eg: he is in my power, i can ask him to do anything i want.

15. join in + 活動 join + 某組織/某人 take part in + 活動(積極地)

attend sth/sb聽演講,上學,參加婚禮/葬禮等,照顧,照料

eg: why doesn』t tom join in the conversation? why don』t you join us?

the whole nation join in the celebration.

16. inner world 內心世界 17. occupy = take up 占領

occupy sb in the doing sth = be occupied in doing 專心於,忙於

18. take sth for granted 認為……理所當然

19. in theory 按理說 theory 學說,理論,原則i h**e the theory that。。。依我說

20. make a choice 作抉擇 21. the former 前者 the latter 後者

22. branch樹枝,分路,分流 f**or偏愛 fork 岔路口brief簡單的thus以此方式,這樣 desirable 可取的,值得擁有的 timely 及時的 fascinating 極有吸引力的

23. a job interview求職面試 give an interview接受採訪 sb be interviewed某人面試(指參加者)

24. however = no matter how eg : however fast he ran, he couldn』t catch up with his brother.

25. the majority of sb / sth 大部分,大多數 26. equal vt. (大小、數量、價值)相同

27. attach sth / to sth. 把……附在……上 attach great importance to sth 認為……十分重要

attach to sb / sth 與……有關

28. no problem 沒問題(「表示同意」) got it 明白了 meanwhile 與此同時,另一方面

don』t mention it. 回答i』m sorry…或thank you with pleasure 用於樂意幫助別人時

it』s a / my pleasure. 用於回答別人的感謝

29. wish + that + did sth 表現在,將來

had done 表過去

eg: that』s very kind of you. i wish i d give you so much trouble.

a. h**en』t to b. don』t h**e got to c. mustd. didn』t h**e to

30. the reason why / for which … + is that。。。(reason的定語從句中不缺主賓表)

the reason which/ that… + is that…(reason的定語從句中缺主賓表)

the reason for sth(n / v-ing / pron) + is that。。。

31. 在主、賓、表從句中作主、賓、錶用what引導

在定語從句中作主、賓、錶用that / which / as(意為就如……一樣) 引導

32. search sb / some place 搜查某人/ 某地 search for 尋找=look for =hunt for

33. blame sb / sth for sth 指責,把……歸咎於=blame sth on sb / sth

34. sigh with sth 嘆氣,嘆息,舒氣 give a sigh 發出嘆息

eg: she sighed with relief that it was all over.

35. relief n. 輕鬆,消除,減輕 breathe a sigh of relief 松了口氣

the relief of suffering 痛苦的消除

36. 兩個句子之間用「,」隔開,必須要有連詞連線這兩個句子,如when, while,because等從屬連詞或and, but,or 等並列連詞

37. 在強調句型 「it is / was +被強調部分(若是狀語,則必須加上相應的介詞)+ that + 剩餘部分」 eg: it was along the mississippi river that mark twain spent much of his childhood.


一 教材資訊 北京市各區縣高中教材版本 北京市各區高中英語教材主要分為兩個版本,分別為北京師範大學出版的教材和人教版的教材。在北京各主要城區中,海淀和西城區使用的是北師大版教材,而東城 朝陽等其它主城區使用的則是人教版教材。海淀和西城區的教育在北京市的佔絕對優勢,而北師大版教材較人教版教材更具有靈活...


一 教材資訊 北京市各區高中英語教材主要分為兩個版本,分別為北京師範大學出版的教材和人教版的教材。在北京各主要城區中,海淀和西城區使用的是北師大版教材,而東城 朝陽等其它主城區使用的則是人教版教材。海淀和西城區的教育在北京市的佔絕對優勢,而北師大版教材較人教版教材更具有靈活性,難度更大,知識面更全面...


1 used to would be used to 1 used to 表示 過去慣常 但 現在不做了 指過去的習慣或狀態,to 為不定式符號,後跟動詞原形。有兩點須注意 否定式。used to do sth.的否定式有兩種形式 used not usedn t to do sth.didn t ...