
2023-01-25 06:42:05 字數 3628 閱讀 2571




1. 本試卷滿分120分,考試時間100分鐘。

2. 答題前,在答題紙上寫姓名和准考證號。

3. 必須在答題紙的對應答題位置答題,寫在其他地方無效。1至60小題在答題紙上塗黑作答,答題紙答題方式詳見答題紙上的說明。

4. 做聽力題時,先將答案標在試卷上。錄音內容結束後,你將有一分鐘的時間將試卷上的答案轉塗到答題紙上。

5. 考試結束後,試卷和答題紙一併上交。

試題卷i. 聽力部分(25分)




1. when does the train le**e?

a. at 6:15b. at 6:25c. at 6:50

2. why would the man like no more cakes?

a. because he is fullb. because he doesn』t like cakes.

c. because he wants to eat some bread.

3. why is the man going to move to a new house?

a. he likes loud musicb. the house here is too old.

c. he wants to live in a quiet place.

4. what does the man mean?

a. he』ll be fineb. he』s going to get down.

c. he may fall down and hurt himself.

5. what color was kathy』s bedroom?

a. greenb. yellowc. blue



6. what are the two speakers talking about?

a. sydneyb. a hotelc. an ad

7. in andy』s eyes, $800 is

a. too highb. too lowc. just so-so

8. why is jessica going to call the tr**el agency?

a. to find out the price. b.

to make the date. c. to book the ticket.


9. what does the man do?

a. a tr**elerb. a movie makerc. a shop assistant.

10. from the conversation, we know that p**ilion

a. is the closet theaterb. has a better choice of moives

c. is a good place

11. which is the best theater in town according to the conversation?

a. the fieldb. the p**ilionc. we don』t know really.



tick ( √ ) the right answers for each question.

12. where does jim exercise?

a. in the parkb. at homec. at school

13. jim usually feels sleepy in the day because

a. he sleeps too lateb. he doesn』t sleep enough c. he sleeps too long

14. what』s jim』s health score?

a. 11b. 12c. 13

15. a student whose health score is 17 shows he

a. needs exerciseb. is very healthyc. is not so bad

ii. 筆試部分(95分)


16. which of the underlined part is pronounced differently from the other three?

a. watchb. teach c. schoold. chicken

17. –oh, no. where is my purse?

-don』t worry. i saw _______ black one in the drawer. is it yours?

a. ab. thec. thisd. that

18. sally shut the door he**ily and started to cry. no one knew _______ she was so angry.

a. whenb. whyc. howd. who

19. –will mary go to the movie with us?

-i don』t think so. she _______ to go shopping.

a. decidesb. decided c. will decide d. has decided

20. you may write to me or come to see meway will do.

a. allb. bothc. oned. either

21. –would you like some more noodles?

-no, thanks. i _______.

a. don』t want to b. can』t eat c. am not hungry d. i』m full

22. –how often do you visit your grandparents?

a. five days b. once a month c. in a week d. about five days

23. you can』t wake up a person _______ is pretending to be asleep.

a. whob. whichc. hed. that

24. –i don』t h**e a partner to practice english _______.

-maybe you should join an english club.


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考生須知 1 本試卷分試題卷和答題卷兩部分。滿分120分,考試時間120分鐘。2 所有答案都必須做在答題卷標定的位置上,務必注意試題序號和答題序號相對應。4 考試結束後,上交試題卷和答題卷。試題卷一 30分 1 下列加點字的注音全都正確的一項是 3分 a 提防 t緘默 ji n 稱心如意 ch n ...