七年級 上 英語短語片語及句型用法歸納

2021-03-15 07:54:00 字數 4351 閱讀 8666

unit 1 ****** new friends


2.-goodgood morning/afternoon!早上/下午好!

3給你4.i am kangkangkangkang.我是康康。

5. glad / nice toyou 見到你很高興

6my teacher.這是我的老師。

7.-how do you do你好!

8.-goodbye. -bye. / see you later. -see you.再見

9你好嗎?-i』m fine,thank you.我很好,謝謝。and you?你呢?-i』m fine,too.我也很好。

10.-where _____you from?你(們)來自**?-i』m /we are from…我/我們來自……

11.-where is he/she from?他/她來自**?-he /she ____from…他/她來自……

12.-_____ is your/her/his name?你的/她的/他的名字叫什麼?-my/her/his name is…我的/她的/他的名字叫……

13.-______ are you/they?你(們)/他們是誰?-i』m…/we are…/they are… 我(們)/他們是……

14.-who is he/she? 他/她是誰?-he/she is… 他/她是……

15.-who is ______? 那是誰?–that is … 那是……

16勞駕;打擾一下;請問。 17.be from來自

18.-what』s your /her/his你的/她的/他的**號碼是多少?

-my/her/his telephone/phone number is…我的/她的/他的**號碼是……/it』s … 它是……

19are you/they in?你(們)/他們在幾班?

-i』m/we are/they are in我(們)/他們在七年級二班。

20.-what class is he/she in ?他/她在幾班?

-he/she is in in class one , grade seven. 他/她在七年級一班。

21are you/they?你(們)/他們多大(多少歲)了?

-i』m/we are/they areyears old).我(們)/他們二十歲了。

22.-how old is he/she? 他/她多大(多少歲)了? –he/she ____ thirteen (years old).他/她13歲了。

25.what』s your/her/his age?你的/她的/他的年齡是多少?=how old are you/is she/is he?你/她他多大了。

24are you/they in?你(們)/他們在幾年級?

-i』m/we are/they are in grade seven.我(們)/他們在七年級。

25.-what grade is he /she in?他/她在幾年級? -he/she is in grade eight.他/她在八年級。

26.-what』sin english)?這個/那個(用英語)怎麼表達?

-it』s a/an… 它是乙個(張……)

27.-what arein english)? 這些/那些(用英語)怎麼表達?

-they are… 它們是……

28.-is this/that a pen?這/那是一支鋼筆嗎?-yes,___is.是的,它是。/no, it isn』t.不,它不是。

29.-are these/those books?這些/那些是書嗎?-yes,____ are.是的它們是。/no, they aren』t.不,它們不是。

30.-how do you_____ it?你怎樣拼寫它?- e-r-a-s-e-r,eraser.

31.-can you spell it, please? 請問,你能拼寫他嗎? –yes, m-a-p,map.

32you』re wel***e. 不用謝;不客氣。 33._____good friends 我的好朋友.

34.inclass/grade/school 在同乙個班/年級/學校(same要和the連用,即:the same)


(1)a用於以____音音素開頭的單詞前。如:a pen/book/ruler/desk/box…

(2)an用於以_____音音素開頭的單詞前。如:an apple/egg/eraser/orange/english book/old book…

36.(1)this這,這個(be動詞用is)(近指) 複數 these這,這些(be動詞用are)(近指)

(2)that那,那個(be動詞用is)(遠指) 複數 those那,那些(be動詞用are)(遠指)


如:i am a teacher. 否定句 i am____ a teacher.

they are good friends. 否定句 they are not good friends.

she is from china. 否定句 she is not from china.

(注意:is not=isn』t; are not=aren』t ,而am not沒有縮寫形式。)

39.【1】改一般疑問句的方法:將含有be動詞的陳述句變為一般疑問句時,就是將be動詞提在句首(即:提在主語的前面), 句末加上問號。

【2】對一般疑問句的回答:回答時只能用「yes,主語+be / no,主語+be(not)」來進行肯定和否定回答。其中肯定回答「yes,主語+be」中的「主語+be」不能縮寫。

如:(1)i am kangkang. 一般疑問句 are you kangkang? 回答 yes, i am./ no, i』m not.

(2)we are students. 一般疑問句 are you students? 回答 yes, we are./ no, we aren』t.

(3)it is my car. 一般疑問句 is it _____car? 回答 yes, it is./ no, it ______.

【注意:(1)、(2)兩個句子的主語都是一人稱,在變為一般疑問句時,i am和we are一般都要變為are you.第(3)句中含有一人稱的物主代詞my,在變為一般疑問句時my要變為二人稱物主代詞your.

】(4)he/she is a teacher. 一般疑問句 is he/she a teacher? 回答 yes, he/she is.

/no, he/she isn』t.

(5)they are from canada. 一般疑問句 are they from canada? 回答 yes, they are.

/no, they aren』t.

(6)this/that is a pen. 一般疑問句 is this/that a pen?回答 yes, it is./no, it isn』t.

(7)these/those are desks.一般疑問句 are these/those desks?回答 yes,they are./no,they aren』t.


】40.特殊疑問句的結構: 特殊疑問詞 + 一般疑問句?





(1)my teacher is fine.提問 how is your teacher?(2)his father is fine.提問how is his father?

(3)that is my friend. 提問who is that4)she is my teacher. 提問who is your teacher?

(5)we are from china. 提問where are you from? (6)tom is from the usa.提問where is tom from?

(7)my name is li weikang. 提問what is your name? (8)his name is michael.

提問 what is his name?


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七上重點短語 句型測試 1.早上好2.下午好 3.晚上好4.謝謝你 5.晚安6.身份證 7.在桌子底下8.在沙發上 9.在揹包裡10.在地板上 11.彈鋼琴12.拉小提琴 13.一副網球拍14.乙個桌球拍 15.吃午飯16.吃早餐 17.吃晚餐18.去野餐 19.列清單20.多少 數量 21.在學校...


七年級英語期末必背重點單詞 短語 句型全彙總 starter units 1 3 重點單詞重點單詞 good gud adj好的 morning m ni n早晨 上午good morning早上好!hi hai interj用於打招呼 嗨 喂hello h lu interj你好 喂afterno...