I helped mum 教學設計與反思王佳瑤

2021-07-22 21:42:57 字數 5151 閱讀 8738


module 7 unit 1 《i helped mum.》教學設計






1.句型:i helped mum. i cooked noodles. i washed clothes.

2.單詞:had, phone, cook, really, wash, did, didn』t, computer, love, him


1.全體學生能理解用v-ed來表達過去的方式,全體學生能理解:had, phone, cook, really, wash, did, didn』t, computer, love, him以及what about…?其中90%的學生能運用cooked, washed,50%的學生能運用phone, really以及what about…?



1、通過談論自己的happy sunday, 了解合理安排週末時間的重要性。











本課以「談論happy sunday」這一線索貫穿全文,引導和啟發學生在情境當中感受語言的交際功能,並讓他們通過多種遊戲和活動,逐步熟練運用所學到的語言,培養和引導學生與同伴互助合作,共同**學習道路上的困惑,分享成功的喜悅。

(二) 任務教學法

本課以任務型教學為主,以學習課文了解amy』s happy sunday-結合**談論他人的happy sunday-談論自己的happy sunday這樣一條主線,循序漸進地完成教學目標。




課前tpr: read and do.

step1: warming up

1. greetings.

t:what was the weather like yesterday?

2. chant.

t: (課件)look at the picture! yesterday was a holiday! what did they do??(初次感知過去式rowed)

t: (cd-rom)now, let』s chant.(clap.)

【 設計意圖:tpr複習學過的知識,為後面的學習做鋪墊,激發學生的學習熱情。chant節奏明快,在感知新知識的同時能快速把學生帶入英語學習氛圍中。】



t:they had a very happy day. and i had a happy sunday, too. look…and i helped my mum.

did you help mum? you can say…

2.板書課題「i helped mum.」。

(板書:i helped/t/ mum.邊寫邊讀,3遍)

t: now you know my happy sunday. what did you do last sunday?

3. 呈現任務,更有指向性地學習。

t: wow, you had a happy sunday, too. today, we』ll learn m7u1 i helped mum.

學習任務:學習了今天的課文,我們再來談談我們happy sunday。首先,我們來看看amy的happy sunday。


step3. text learning.

1. watch the video. (感知課文,理解語境)

2. what did amy do?(學習cooked , washed)

1) 過渡t: look at amy』s face. she』s very happy.

a. t: what did amy do?

let』s listen, point and underline the sentences.

課件出示句子:i cooked noodles yesterday. (把amy 貼上,板書yesterday…讓生spell cooked)

b. 學習cooked( look, book, food, cool). 個別讀, 小組讀。


c. t: did you help your mum cook?你幫媽媽煮過飯嗎?

what did you cooked?( i helped mum. i cooked...)

2)過渡t:and what else did amy do?(amy 還做了什麼?)

a. s:課件出示句子:i helped mum and i washed clothes. (板書讓生spell washed)

學習washed. (個別讀,小組讀)

t: washed...?(clothes.)

b. 學習clothes。

t: yes, look!(課件出示t-shirt, dress, trousers, sweater, shirt, skirt...

they are clothes.) i washed clothes.

c. 說一說。amy washed…

過渡t: amy washed clothes. what clothes did amy washed?

you can say like this…課件「amy washed ...」

3)reread the sentences.

3. did sam help mum?(學習didn』t, played, watched)

t: so we know that amy helped mum. and did sam help mum?

s: no. 課件出示句子:he didn』t help mum.(跟讀didn』t)

t:so what did he do?

let』s listen again, point and underline the sentences.

s: 課件出示句子:he played on the computer and he watched tv.(板書)



t:課件出示watched, 小老師帶讀,小組讀。


4. 觀察過去式單詞找規律。


t: now, look at these words. what can you find? 你發現了什麼?(s:單詞後面都有ed)

2) 總結過去式表達方式

t: clever! when we talk about the past, we usually add ...(s:ed)

課件tip: 講述過去發生的事情時,人們通常在動詞後面加上ed。

t:so when we talk about the past…

課件 help mum became helped/t/ mum


t: now let』s chant.

5.did tom help mum?

1)過渡t:amy helped mum. sam didn』t help mum. what about tom?

2)「 oh, he is a good boy. i love him. 」

t: yes. tom helped mum too. he』s a good boy. grandma loves him. listen.

3)學習love, him. 齊讀。

my father love me, and i love him. who do you love?

4)讀句子「oh, he is a good boy. i love him.」

t:yeah. and in this lesson, grandma loves...(tom) so she says...

【設計意圖:整體感知課文, 通過聽找活動, 讓學生尋找重點資訊, 為進一步學習做好鋪墊;借助插圖、文字,在情境中學習語言,突破教學重難點,並通過結合文字情境聯絡實際、補白等策略來進行口語訓練。】


the happy sunday of amy』s family.(work in pairs. 個別說。)

1. 過渡t: now we know amy』s happy sunday.

and what about the happy day of amy』s family? let』s turn to page 40. talk about the happy day of amy』s family.

2. work in pairs.for example...齊讀例句


step5:guessing game

過渡t: now we know the happy sunday of amy』s family. and here』s …yes!

mr. hong! what did mr.

hong do last sunday?

step6:task completion

t: that』s mr. hong』s happy sunday.

and what about your happy sunday?(練習:勾一勾、說一說、做一做。)


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