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五年級英語單元自查(unit 3)



一、 聽錄音,選出下面每組中你認為符合錄音內容的圖畫,並把字母編號圈出來。 (10分)

123a. b. a. ba. b.

45a. bab.

二、 根據錄音內容,判斷下列圖畫是否與對話內容相符,相符的在該**下面的括號裡打「√」,不相符的打「x」。 (10分)

1. 2345.

三、 聽錄音,填入所缺的單詞,使句子完整。 (10分)

1is mike』s birthday? it』s in

2. a: isbirthday in

b: no, it isn』t.

3. a: what』s the

b: it』s

4. themonth of a year is may.

5. a: who ______ a birthday in january?

b: my

四、 聽讀問題,選出下列每組答句中最符合的一項,並把其編號填到前面的括號裡。 (10分)

( )1. a. thank you. b. the same to you. c. happy birthday!

( )2. a. it』s may 15th. b. it』s friday. c. it』s fine.

( )3. a. april. b. spring. c. summer.

( )4. a. my birthday is in january.

b. his birthday is in january.

c. her birthday is in january.

( )5. a. yes, it is. b. yes, he is. c. yes, she is.

五、 聽讀一段話,判斷下列句子是否符合短文內容,符合的在括號裡打「√」,不符合的在括號裡打「x」。 (10分)

( ) 1. sarah』s birthday is in february.

( ) 2. mike』s and zhang peng』s birthdays are in the same month.

( ) 3. miss white』 s birthday is in october.

( )4. mr black』s birthday is in february.

( ) 5. there are three birthdays in june.


1. ahas a birthday _______ january?


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