蘇教譯林版4bunit 1單元練習

2022-10-17 20:21:22 字數 3033 閱讀 9175



( )1. a. artb. mathsc. subject

( ) funb.. englishc. science

( ) classroom b. playground c. school

( )4. a. morning b. afternoom c. breakfast

( )5. a. lesson b. mathsc. chinese

( ) timetable b. tablec. desk

( ) sunday b. weekend c. wednesday

( ) english b. england c. china



3.去操場4. 今天早上

5.喜歡語文6. 歡迎回到學校


9.喜歡語文10 .it』s fun

11. welcome back to shool

12. .it』s monday13 .what lessons

14. 你們的課程表在**




3. 你喜歡什麼課?我喜歡**和科學。它有趣。



1、 i』m mike. i can play basketball in class.


2、hello, this is my toy plane, it』is makes myself

3、in this lesson, i study libai』s poetry


( )1.------i like ______ you?

me too.

a.( ) timemusic.

a. at b. to c. for

( )3. welcome back ______school,class

a. forb. to c. in

( ) can play basketball at a ________lesson.

a. pe b. chinese c. art

( ) subjects dou you like ?

a. i』d like pe b. i like music c. i h**e english .

( ) can draw at an_______lesson.

a. artb. englishc. music

( )7. let ______go to the playgound.

( )8. what subjects ________you like ?

a. wouldb. do c. does

( )9.別人問你為什麼喜歡語文課,你會說

a. i like chinese. b. i h**e fun.

( )10.你想知道對方喜歡什麼學科,可以問:

a. what subjects do you like ? b .what lessoms do you like?

c. what lessoms do you h**e?

( )11. ----do you like english

i don』t. do. i do.

( )12. it』s time science.


( ) me too . what lessons do we h**e this morning?

( ) great!

( ) what subjects do you like,liu tao.

( ) i like maths and science.

( ) we h**e maths and science.




2. 你想問你的同桌喜歡什麼學科,可以問:

3. 早上起來,洗漱完畢,你的媽媽喊你吃早飯,怎麼說

4. 下午的時候,你見到***會說


school to welcome

2. do subjects what like you

3. our this new is timetable

4. us go let t he to playground (. )

do lessons h**e we what this ?


hello,mynameisliufang. i aminclass1, grade4. iamfromshanghai.

yanglingismygoodfriend. sheisa girl. sheisinclass3, grade4.


( ) 1. liufangisfromshijiazhuang.

( ) 2. yanglingisagirl.

( ) 3. liufangisinclass 1, grade5.

( ) 4. yanglingisinclass3, grade4

goats,elevenhens,ninecows, arewhite,( )

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