譯林版6B Unit2知識點梳理

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unit2 good habits知識彙總


習慣habit 乾淨的;整齊的tidy 快的fast

從不never 遲的 late 完成 finish 複習 review

把……放得井井有條 put…in order 不好的,壞的bad 差地,不好badly

昨夜last night走進,走入go into 慢速地slowly 困的,困倦的sleepy


1、a good boy乙個好男孩

2、h**e many good habits有許多好習慣乙個壞習慣a bad habit

3、get up early in the morning在早晨早早得起床 4、never go to bed late從不晚睡覺

5、go to bed early早早睡覺6、before bedtime睡前

7、go to bed late last night昨晚很晚睡覺

8、finish one's homework完成家庭作業9、finish reading 完成閱讀


10、before dinner在晚飯前

11、after lunch午飯後12、shouldn』t go home late不應該晚回家

13、do well at home在家做得好 14、keep his room clean and tidy保持房間乾淨並整潔

15、also help his parents do housework 也幫助他的父母親做家務

16、do homework late at night 在晚上家庭作業做得晚

17、brush his teeth刷他的牙齒 18、feel sleepy感覺困的

19、know her well非常了解她 20、always put things in order 總是把東西擺得井井有條

21、walk fast/slowly走得快/慢 22、run very fast跑得非常快

23、listen to the teacher at school 在學校聽他的老師講

24、h**e breakfast on time準時吃早飯 25、short horses矮矮的馬

26、run through the grass跑著穿過草叢 run very fast 跑得非常快

27、wash your face at seven o』clock在七點洗你的臉 28、come to see her來看她

29、show you around the house 帶你參觀房子 30、go into the living room進入起居室

31、big and clean又大又乾淨32、small and nice小而乾淨

33、a lot of books and toys許多書和玩具34、on the floor在地上

35、a lot of books and toyson the floor 在地板上的很多書和玩具

see a lot of books and toyson the floor 在地板上看到很多書和玩具

36、under the bed在床下37、put your books and toys in order把你的書和玩具整理好

38、run/drive/walk + fast/slowly 跑步/開車/步行+很快/很慢

39、sing/dance/swim /do+ well/badly 唱歌/跳舞/游泳+很好/很差 do well/badly 表現好/差

40、get up/go to school + early/late 起床/上學+很早/很遲

41、pick one挑乙個

42、pick up撿起來 pick it up/pick them up 撿起它/它們

43、pick apples摘蘋果 pick意思總結:摘/撿/挑

44、in the street在街上


gets up early in the morning and never goes to bed late.他早上起床早,從來不晚睡。

sister brushes her teeth in the morning and before bedtime.我妹妹在早上和睡覺前刷牙。

always put my things in order.我總是把我的東西整理得井井有條。

usually finish our homework before dinner.我們通常在晚飯之前完成家庭作業。

5. they listen to their teachers at school.他們在學校聽老師的話。

also does well at home.他在家也表現得好。

keeps his room clean and tidy.他保持他的房間既乾淨又整齊。

often does his homework late at night and does not go to bed early.


sometimes feels sleepy in the morning.他有時在早上感覺困。

bing knows liu tao well.王兵很了解劉濤。

you go to bed late last night?yes, i did./ no, i didn』t.


me show you around our house.讓我帶你參觀我們的房子。

always h**e lunch on time.我總是準時吃午飯。

14. you should put your books and toys in order.


15. the man is singing badly.男士正唱歌唱得糟糕。

boy does well at school.男孩在學校表現得很好。

habits does wang bing h**e? 王兵有什麼習慣?

is the way we wash our face. 這就是我們洗臉的方式。




(1)時間副詞:常見的有now, then, soon, ago, lately, later, before, early, today, tomorrow, yesterday, tonight, suddenly, still, already, just等。

(2)地點副詞:常見的有here, there, up, down, away, nearby, home, upstairs, downstairs等。

(3)方式副詞:表示行為方式的副詞大多以-ly結尾,常見的有quietly, he**ily, warmly, carefully, happily, angrily等。

(4)頻度副詞:常見的有always, usually, often, sometimes, never等。

(5)程度副詞:常見的有very, much, too, greatly, really等。如:

(6)焦點副詞:就是通過強調使之成為人們注意的焦點的副詞,常見的有:only, also, just, especially, too,等。

(7)疑問副詞:就是用於引出特殊疑問句的when, where, why, how等。


如:i ate some noodles at school yesterday.昨天我在學校吃了一些麵條。


如:when and where did you meet yesterday?你們昨天什麼時候,什麼地方見面的?


常見的頻率副詞有:always, usually, often, sometimes, never.但sometimes, often等可以放在句首或句尾,usually可放在句首。

如:(1)sometimes i get up early .=i sometimes get up early .我有時起得早。

(2)the workers usually h**e lunch at the factory.工人們通常在工廠裡吃午飯。

(3)they often do their homework in the evening.他們經常在晚上寫作業。

(4)she was always later for school last year.她去年上學總是遲到。


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