
2022-11-29 11:06:04 字數 3534 閱讀 7091




一、 根據你所聽到的字母或單詞,將其序號寫在題前括號內。(兩遍)(10分)

( ) b. jeg2. a. thirty b. thirsty

( )3. a. there b. these4. a. push

( )5. a. floor b. sing b. swing

( )7. a. stop b. soft

( ) beside b. behind10 a. he**y b .ready



( )1. a. he』s in the forest. b. yes, she is. c. she』s in the room.

( )2. a. it』s on the table.

b. no, it isn』t. c.

they are on the table.

( )3. a. there is three. b. there are 40. c. it』s 40.

( )4. a. yes, there is. b. yes, there are. c. no, there aren』t.

( )5. a. yes, there is. b. no, there isn』t. c. yes, there are.


( )1. a. it』s in the fridge.

b. they』re in the fridge. c.

they』re in the kitchen.

( )2. a. there』s a sofa and a piano.

b. there』s a window. c.

there』s a table.

( )3. a. no, there isn』t.

b. yes, there are. c.

they』re in the classroom.

( )4. a. it』s on the first floor. b. it』s on the second floor.

c. it』s on the third floor.

( )5. a. yes, there is. b. no, there isn』t. c. yes, it is.


( ) a big playground in our school.

( )2. there are 22 classrooms on the second floor.

( )3. the table tennis room is beside the library.

( ) art room is between the computer rooms.

( )5. the music room is on the third floor.


一、 根據所給音標補全單詞,並寫出中文意思。(10』)

1. /au / h__ __ se2. / : / th __ __d

3. /:/ h4. /a:/ cl __ssroom

5. /a/ bes __ de6. / ju:/ st__dent

7. /e/ s__ cond8. / / c__mputer

9. //s t__ p10. /a: / h__ d

二、 短語互譯。(10』)

1. 在我前面2. some art rooms

3. 帶她參觀4. too high

5. 在一樓 western countries

7. 多少教室8. just right

9. 在操場10. hungry and thirsty


( ) 1. the bread is too ______,so we can』t eat it.

a. hard b. softc. small

( ) 2. there _______ any soup on the table.

a. isb. arec. isn』t

( ) 3. there an apple and three on the table

a. is; peach b. is; peachesc. are; peaches

( ) 4in your classroom?

there are many desks and chairs.

a. what』sb. where』sc. how many

( ) 5. ---where are the girls?

in the room.

a. she』s b. there are c. they』re

( ) 6. a lovely toy panda!

a. howb. whatc. why

( ) music room is the third floor.

a. onb. inc. at

( ) 8there any books on the desk? no, there aren』t.

a. areb. isc. am

( ) 9. how manyare there in your house?

a. roomb. a roomc. rooms

( ) 10. helen is behind me. i amhelen.

a .betweenb. in front ofc. beside


( ) 1. we can borrow books and read books there.

( ) 2. there are a lot of flowers, trees and animals in it.

( ) sing and dance in this room.

( ) 4. we usually h**e pe lessons there.

( ) 5. there are many computers in this room.

( ) is a place. we h**e most of our lessons in this room.



五年級假期作業 一 填空。27分 1 2小時15分 小時 300平方公尺 公頃 40立方分公尺 立方公尺 1.15噸 噸 千克2公升30毫公升 公升 毫公升 2 右圖這個長方體前面是 形,它的 長是寬是 這個長方體的表 面積是 平方厘公尺,體積是 立方分公尺。3 48和36的公約數中大於5的有 個。...


一 試題的特點 一 注重了基礎知識的考查試卷中能充分體現考查學生基礎知識為主要目標的命題原則,堅持依據於課本,但又避免教材中機械的知識,對於一些學生必須掌握的基礎知識作為重點考查的內容 如詞形變換,重點短語等 因為這些知識的掌握能更好地為今後的學習打下堅實的基礎。二 突出語言的交際功能英語作為語言,...


安徽廬江縣第二學期期末考試 時間 60分鐘滿分 100分 一 選擇正確的字母補全單詞。10分 mmer 夏天 rn 順序 fth 第五 爬 y 五月 二 單詞分類,將單詞前的序號填入括號內。10分 1.usually sometimes 2.atonunder 3.whowhatwhere 4.ap...