
2022-12-01 02:45:03 字數 4378 閱讀 8133


made by: ren zhongnanchecked by: wang donghua date: 2015-9-9

step 1: pre-listening

listen and complete the sentences with the date.

1. labour day in china is on

2. may day in the uk is on

3. labour day in the us is on

step 2: while-listening

task 1: listen and answer the questions.

1. when is china』s national day

2. what are lingling and her parents going to do for the holiday this year?

task 2: listen and choose the best answer.

1. how long h**e the americans celebrated independence day?

a: since 1787b: since1877c: since 1777d: since 1677

2. how many days do they h**e off during the holiday?

a: twob: threec: fourd: one.

task 3: listen and decide t or f.

1. in the uk, they celebrate the christmas with a four-day holiday.

2. tony』s family always go somewhere nice as soon as the holiday ends.

step 3: post-reading

try to retell the text by filling in the blanks.

part 1

china wason 1st october, 1949. peoplethe national day since then. there are usually flowers and nationaleverywhere.

people h**e aholiday.

lingling and her parents are going tosome friends in shandongthey will stay there _______ the end of the holiday. whlie theywith their friends, they are going to spend a day in qingdao.

part 2

independence day is onthey h**e celebrated it since 1777. americans usuallya dayon that day, there areactivities.

they usuallysomewhere nice.


they also watch the bandsmusic in theparks.

part 3

christmas is onthey celebrate christmas with aholiday. tony』s family always go somewhere interestingthe holiday begins.

the language points:

1. the people』s republic of china was founded on 1st october 1949.

found v. 「創立,建立」,其過去式和過去分詞均為founded.

the party (黨) was founded in june, 1921.

2. there are flowers and national flags everywhere, and we h**e a three-day holiday.

three-day 是 「數詞+連字元+單數名詞」 構成復合形容詞,在此處作定語。

類似的合成形容詞還有: 「數詞+連字元+單數名詞+連字符號+形容詞」:

this is a 15-metre-long bridge. he is an 8-year-old girl.

3. it』s a public holiday, but we only h**e one day off.

「h**e/take+一段時間+off」 表示 「休息一段時間」, 其中off表示 「不上課,不工作, 息」。 we had three days off last week.

4. most people take a vacation sometime in july or august.

take a vacation = h**e a vacation 去度假

hainan is a good place for families to take a vacation.

詞語辨析:sometime, some time, sometimes, some times

sometime 表示「某個時候」

my father will go to shanghai on business sometime next week.

sometimes 表示「有時we sometimes go to the cinema at the weekends.

some time 表示「一段時間we rest some time and go on walking.

sometimes 表示「幾次i h**e been to hainan some times.

5. kids h**e great fun.

h**e fun 玩的愉快,玩的開心, 其後要接v-ing 形式。

that man is h**ing fun flying kitesh**e fun = enjoy oneself = h**e a good time

6. we also watch the bands play music in public parks.

watch sb/ sth do sth. 表示「**---做某事」,表示**動作的全過程或經常性的動作。


「一感」指feel, 「二聽」指hear, listen, 「三讓」h**e, let, make, 「四看」 指see, watch, notice, look at, 「五半幫助」指動詞不定式做help的賓語補足語時to可省可不省。

注意:這些動詞後接省略to的不定式做賓語補足語時, 一般表示動作發生的全過程或動作經常發生;接doing做賓語補足語時表示動作正在進行中。試比較:

i often hear him play the piano.

i heard her playing the piano when i passed by her window.

7. 序數詞的構成

a) 第一到第三須單獨記憶:first, second, third.

b) 第四到第十九都由相應的基數詞加-th構成,但注意five, eight, nine, twelve 的變化:

fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth, eleventh,

twelfth, thirteenth, fourteenth, fifteenth, sixteenth, seventeenth, eighteenth, nineteenth

c) 20---90之間「第幾十」的序數詞由相應的基數詞去掉y加-ieth構成:

twentieth, thirtieth, fortieth, fiftieth, sixtieth, seventieth, eightieth, ninetieth

d) 20---99之間的「第幾十幾」,十位用基數詞,個位用序數詞,中間有連詞符號:

第二十一 twenty-first第九十九 ninety-ninth

8. 日期的讀法

逆讀: 10th september we should read 「the tenth of september」.

1st octoberwe should read 「the first of october 」.

順讀 september 10th we should read 「september the tenth」.

october 1stwe should read 「october the first」.


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