9A Unit1動詞變形翻譯句子

2022-12-11 16:24:03 字數 3164 閱讀 1381


unit 1

exercise 1


1. i think playing computer games too muchmake)students forget their study.

hear that these kinds of new clothesdisplay)at the show next sunday.

3. the studentstalk) noisily when the teacher came into the classroom.

4. going to school withouth**e) breakfast is bad for your health.

5.—where is your uncle? i need his help with my computer.

—oh, hefly)to xi』an on business already.

6catch) the early bus, i got up very early this morning.

7. a neighbor helped to keep our dog and ittake) good care of while we were away on holiday.

8.—the plane is le**ing right now, but jim hasn』t arrived yet.

-- let』s wait a minute. i』m sure hecome) here on time.


1. mille 能成為乙個好老師因為她從不輕易生氣。

2. suzy很有條理,她總是把一切弄得井井有條。

3. 我們經常被教育要和別人分享東西。

4. 對他來說,兩分鐘吃完午飯是不可能的。

5. 吳老師給我們重複語法規則真是很有耐心。


7. 他父母和他都不喜歡炫耀。


1. makes 2. will be displayed 3. were talking 4. h**ing

5. has flown 6. to catch 7. was taken come


1. millie can make a good teacher because she never gets angry easily.

2. suzy is well organized and she always keeps everything in order.

3. we are always taught/ told to share things with others.

4. it』s impossible for him to eat up his lunch in two minutes.

5. it』s patient of mr. wu to repeat grammar rules for us.

6. he is imaginative enough to come up with all kinds of ideas.

7. neither his parents nor he likes to show off.

exercise 2


go and see whosing)in the next room.

boy did all he couldhelp)his friends.

3.—which team do you thinklose)the game?

-- it』s hard to say. there is still some time before it ends.

4.—our city looks greener than before.

--- yes. people in our cityplant)lots of trees over the last few years.

5. my unclefeed) the pigs when we arrived at his farm.

6. don』t worry. your bagkeep) here until you come back, so enjoy yourself.

7. my cousin always comes first in the maths tests, but he nevershow) off.

8. usually the thunderhear) after the lighting.


1. 我隨時都準備好了接受新的挑戰。

2. 剛才沒有人注意他所說的話。

3. 他不喜歡話多,但是他的作品卻極具說服力。

4. 人生就像一場賽跑,你要麼領先,要麼落後。

life is like a race

5. 對工程師來說,失之毫釐,謬以千里。他們承擔不起任何錯誤。

6. 他的畫作贏得了老師們的高度讚揚。

7. 作為乙個總經理,他工作總是高標準。


1. is singing 2. to help 3. will close 4. h**e planted

5. was feeding 6. will be kept 7. shows 8. is heard


1. i』m ready to take on new challenges any time.

2. no one paid attention to his words/what he said just now.

doesn』t like to talk much but his work shouts.

4. you either take the lead or fall behind.

5. to the engineers, a miss is as good as a mile. they can』t afford to make any mistakes.

6. his painting won high praise from the teachers.

a general manager, he always works to high standards.

exercise 3

2019教育9A Unit1動詞變形翻譯句子

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