
2022-12-11 23:39:02 字數 3877 閱讀 6246

1. 他還沒有決定如何處理這個顯示屏。

2. 這個古老的歐洲國家因為宮殿和城堡而舉世聞名。


3. 當這些孩子們看到**人物遊行時,他們情不自禁地叫啊,笑啊。


6. 你曾經夢想過擁有你自己的**嗎?

7. 昨天對那名網球運動員的採訪很成功。

8. 我爸爸去成都出差已有三天。

9. 蘇州中學自從很多年前就很有名了。

10. 那個法國作家的經歷感動了我們

11. 那個著名的法國作家去世三年多了。

12. 你曾經夢想過沒有護照就出國嗎?

13. 當你到北京時,請和我保持聯絡。

14. 當媽媽離開時,我禁不住哭了。

15. 讀書能夠幫我們開啟乙個全新的世界。

16. 自我出生以來我就住在這座城市裡。

17. 老師離開這兒有多長時間了?

18. 昨天所有的志願者太累,再也走不動了嗎?

19. 小夥子總是夢想著能賺許多錢。

20. 最終他們成功地到達了山頂。

21. 自從她嫁給了那個作家以後就離開了自己的家鄉。

22. 我覺得春天是爬山的最好季節。

23. 你們彼此通過郵件保持聯絡嗎?

24. 這些年來蘇州已經改變了很多。

25. 當我想到這個難題時,我不知道向誰求助。

26. 他的女兒已經離開家鄉多年。

27. 你如何和朋友保持聯絡?

28. 忙碌的一天後讓我們好好放鬆一下自己吧!

29. 每天離家時和父母道別是乙個好習慣。

30. 儘管他筋疲力盡,他還是設法按時完成了工作。

31. 你的手錶買多久了?

32. 我媽媽週末偶爾還得工作。

33. 我們班是由十九位女生和二十五位男生組成的。

34. 有些孩子就是不知道怎樣記生詞。

35. 他昨天借了我的自行車,但還沒還我。

36. 當我們聽到如此有趣的故事忍不住大笑。

37. 這對夫婦自從結婚就住在這裡。

38. —你們是如何彼此保持聯絡的? —我們主要通過郵件交流。

39. 老師告訴我們什麼時候上交家庭作業了嗎?

40. 他夢想著不用護照環遊世界。


1. he hasn』t decided how to deal with the screen yet.

2. this old european country is world-famous for its palaces and castles.

3. my parents h**e been married for ten years.

4. when the children saw the cartoon characters parade, they couldn』t stop shouting and laughing.

5. can you realize your dream by h**ing an online trip/tr**eling.

6. h**e you ever dreamt of owning your own website?

7. yesterday the interview with that tennis player was a great success.

8. my father has been in chengdu on business for three days.

9. jingfan middle school has been famous since many years ago.

10. the french writer』s experience(s) touched us.

11. that famous french writer has been dead for more than three years

12. h**e you ever dreamed of going abroad without a passport

13. please keep in touch with me when you get to beijing

14. i couldn』t stop crying when my mother left

15. reading can help us open up a new world.

16. i h**e lived in the city since i was born.

17. how long has the teacher been away from here?

18. were all the volunteers too tired to walk on yesterday?

19. the young man is always dreaming of / about being able to make a lot of money.

20. finally they managed to get to the top of the hill/ mountain.

21. she has been away from her hometown since she got married to that writer.

22. i think spring is the best time to climb hills.

23. do you keep in touch with each other by e-mail?

24. suzhou has changed a lot over the years.

25. when i thought of the difficult problem, i didn』t know who to ask for help.

26. his daughter has been away from her hometown for m any years.

27. how do you keep in touch with your friends?

28. let us relax ourselves after a busy day.

29. it is a good habit to say goodbye to your parents when le**ing home.

30. though he was tired out, he managed to finish the work on time.

31. how long h**e you had your watch?

32. my mother has to work at weekends from time to time.

33. our class is made up of nineteen girls and twenty-five boys.

34. some children just don』t know to remember new words.

35. he borrowed my bicycle yesterday, but hasn』t returned it to me (yet).

36. 81. we couldn』t stop laughing when we heard such an interesting story.

37. the couple h**e lived here since they got married.

38. --how do you keep in touch with each other? -- we mainly communicate by email.

39. has the teacher told us when to hand in our homework?

40. he dreams of tr**elling around the world without a passport.

蘇州八年級下英語期中複習句子翻譯專練 精

1 他還沒有決定如何處理這個顯示屏。2 這個古老的歐洲國家因為宮殿和城堡而舉世聞名。3 我父母已經結婚10年了。3 當這些孩子們看到 人物遊行時,他們情不自禁地叫啊,笑啊。5 你能通過進行一次 旅行來實現你的夢想嗎?6.你曾經夢想過擁有你自己的 嗎?7.昨天對那名網球運動員的採訪很成功。8.我爸爸去...


一 給下列劃線的字注音 60 緋紅 不遜 解剖 深惡痛疾 糜先生 綽號 籌備 眼翳 廣漠 摹畫 庶祖母 寬恕 氣量 抑揚頓挫 枉讀 長髯胡髭 鋥亮 禁錮 地無一壟 教諭 龍肝鳳髓 躥房越脊 椽子 門楣 驀地 軼事 猛戳 海市蜃樓 朔方 凜冽 磬口 目光灼灼 睥睨 汙穢 鞭撻 罪孽 躊躇浸 瞬間 暘谷...


module1 重點句子複習學案 1.多麼香的味道!your pizza看上去不錯 2.你想來一點嚐嚐嗎?你想嘗一塊嗎?3.看上去不錯,聞起來香噴噴的,嘗起來味道很好。4.恐怕我不喜歡乳酪。聞起來不新鮮。氣味兒太大並且嘗起來有點酸。5.我的巧克力餅乾現在做好了,嚐嚐吧!6some pizza and...