
2022-12-12 10:39:06 字數 4774 閱讀 2856

現在完成時(present perfect tense)基本概念助動詞has/h**e +動詞的過去分詞


eddie has eaten my food.

(eddie ate the food and now hobo has nothing to eat.)


eddie has lived with mille since he was born.

eddie has lived with mille for four years.

關鍵詞: already(用於肯定句), yet(用於否定句和疑問句), since+一點時間, for+一段時間, never, ever, three times(其它表示頻率的詞, once, twice等) before, recently, in the past/last few years, so far, this month, today, now


i h**e lost my pen.

◇包括現在時間在內的時間狀語如today, this month, this week等有時也用現在完成時。


◇it』s +一段時間+since…(或it has been +一段時間+since…)

over twenty years since we last met. 我們已經有20多年沒見面了。


is ten years since she was here. 自從她離開這裡已經有10年了。

h**en』t written to her since she lived in london.自從她離開倫敦以來我還沒有給她寫過信。

has never been to see me since i was ill. 我病癒之後她從未來看過我。

◇this is the +形容詞最高端 that +從句(從句用現在完成時)

this is the best film that i've (ever) seen. 這是我看過的最好的電影。

i must say that it』s the best model i h**e ever seen. (課本p17)

◇where h**e you been?

i h**en』t seen you for a long time. where h**e you been? 我好久沒見到你了,你去**了?

where h**e you been since i last saw you? 自從我上次見到你以後,你到哪兒去了?

◇there h**e been …

there h**e been many changes to this place. (課本p19) 這個地方已經有了很大的變化。

there h**e been many changes around here since i was a boy.

◇it is the first / second/… time that+從句(從句用現在完成時)

it is the first time that i h**e visited the city. 這是我第一次參觀這個城市。

has been to, has gone to, has been in辨析


這三個片語後面的賓語如果為home, here, there等副詞,則不能加介詞to和in。



who opened the door? (「誰開的門?」只強調過去開門這一動作,門現在可能已關上。)

who has opened the door? (「誰把門開了?」強調門現在依然還開著。)

◇現在完成時不能與明確的過去時間狀語連用,如:three days ago, last year, yesterday, last sunday, in 2008等等。如句中有以上這些明確的過去時間狀語,應用一般過去時。



he finished reading the book the day before yesterday.

i put my ruler in my pencil-box, but i can』t find it now.

my cousin has been in nanjing since 2009.

◇現在完成時不與when引導的特殊疑問句連用,when後只用一般過去時表示已發生的動作。但現在完成時可與where, why等疑問詞連用。如:

where h**e you been? (你去過**了?)

----the train has left. ----when did the train le**e?


we h**e known each other since we came to the school two years ago.

◇有些時間狀語,如this morning, this month, tonight等,既可以與一般過去時連用,又可以與現在完成時連用,但內涵不同。與一般過去時連用時,表示與「現在」無關,時間已成為過去。而與現在完成時連用,則表示包括「現在」在內。

i saw him this morning. (時間已不在上午了。)

i h**e seen him this morning. (說話時間還是上午。)

he lived in new york for eight years. (他現在已經不在紐約住了。)

he has lived in new york for eight years. (他現在還在紐約居住。)


英語中有些動詞表示的是一種短暫的動作,沒有持續性,即「一發生就結束」的動作,這類動詞一般稱為「非延續性動詞」(亦叫點動詞或瞬間動詞或終止性動詞),在現在完成時中,不能同表示一段時間的狀語或how long連用。常見的這類動詞有:go, come, le**e, arrive, lose, join, borrow, die, begin.


非延續性動詞:buy-- h**e , borrow -- keep,le**e-- be away,arrive/reach/get/move-- be in/at

come/go-- be in/at,begin/start-- be on,stop/finish/end-- be over,die-- be dead,join-- be in/be a member of,become—be,open-- be open,close-- be closed,get married-- be married,get up-- be up,come back-- be back,fall asleep-- be asleep,go out-- be out,catch a cold-- h**e a cold



the train has arrived.火車到了。

the train has been here for two hours. 火車到這裡已經兩個小時了。

the boy has left. 那個男孩走了。

the boy has been away for two days. 那個男孩離開已經兩天了。


①how long…? ②for +一段時間;③since+一點時間。


he hasn』t left home for a month. i h**en』t seen you for a long time.


概念: 過去完成時表示在過去某一時間或動作之前已經發生或完成了的動作,即所謂「過去的過去」。 (過去完成時是乙個相對的時態,表示的是「過去的過去」,只有和過去某一時間或某一動作相比較時才使用。


eg:when we got to the cinema, the film had been on for five minutes.

關鍵詞: by the end of + 過去的時間點

eg: we had learned over two thousand english words by the end of last term.


1)賓語從句:she said that she had seen the film before.


2) 狀語從句:when i got to the station, the train had already left.


一 一般現在時 概念 經常 反 生的動作或行為及現在的某種狀況。時間狀語 always,usually,often,sometimes,every week day,year,month once a week,on sundays be 動詞 實義動詞 am is are not 謂語動詞若為實義...


七 一般將來時 概念 表示將要發生的動作或存在的狀態及打算 計畫或準備做某事。時間狀語 tomorrow,next day week,month,year soon,in a few minutes,by the day after tomorrow,etc.基本結構 am is are going...


初中英語八種時態歸納複習 初中英語八種時態歸納複習 時態是英語學習中乙個至關重要的內容,廣大初中學生在實際運用時,往往對時態總是倍感棘手,下面我們就歸納複習一下這幾種時態。一 一般現在時 概念 經常 反 生的動作或行為及現在的某種狀況。時間狀語 always,usually,often,someti...