
2023-01-13 12:03:02 字數 4332 閱讀 8916


概念: 經常、反**生的動作或行為及現在的某種狀況。

時間狀語: always, usually, often, sometimes, every week (day, year, month…),

once a week, on sundays

① be 動詞;②實義動詞

① am/is/are+not;


b.主語為三單,則 doesn't+動詞原形。

①把 be 動詞放於句首;

②謂語動詞若為實義動詞,a.主語不是三單,用助動詞 do+主語+動詞原形


helena good student.(be)

helenfishing very much.(like)

helen』s friends usuallyto school by bike.(go)



時間狀語: …ago, yesterday, the day before yesterday, last week(year, night, month…),

in 1989, just now, at the age of 5, one day

① was/were;②實義動詞的過去式

① was/were + not; ②在實義動詞前加 didn't( +動詞原形)

① was 或 were 放於句首;②用助動詞 do 的過去式did 提問

helenborn in wuxi.(be)

helento school by bike yesterday.(go)

三、現在進行時 :

概念: 表示現階段或說話時正在進行的動作及行為。

時間狀語: now, at this time, these days, look, listen



把 be 動詞放於句首。

listen, helena song in the room.(sing)


概念: 表示過去某段時間或某一時刻正在發生或進行的行為或動作。

時間狀語: at this time yesterday, at that time, from 6 to 8 last night, at 5 yesterday

evening或以 when/while 引導的謂語動詞是一般過去時的時間狀語等。


was/were + not + doing.

was/were 放於句首

helentv at six last night.(watch)

itv when mum came home last night.(watch)


概念: 過去發生或已經完成的動作對現在造成的影響或結果,或從過去已經開始,持續到現在


時間狀語 : since…,for…,in/during the past few/two years, ever, yet, already,

recently, over the years(幾年來,這麼多年來),so far, till now,

主(現完)+since +從(一過),just(注意和just now的區別),

: h**e/has + done

: h**e/has + not +done.

: h**e /has+主語+ done

helenin nanjing for twenty years

the readers are all very happy because they ______ a new book.(receive)


概念: 以過去某個時間為標準,在此以前發生的動作或行為,或在過去某動作之前完成的行為,


時間狀語: by the end of last year(term, month…) ,by+過去的時間,


: had + done.

: had + not + done.

: had 放於句首。

theyin nanjing by the end of last year.(be)

the planeoff before/when we got to the airport.(take)


概念: 表示目前將要發生的動作或存在的狀態及打算、計畫或準備做某事。

時間狀語: tomorrow, next day(week, month, year…),soon, in a few minutes,

by+將來的時間,the day after tomorrow

: am/is/are/going to + do 或 will/shall + do.

: am/is/are/not going to + do或 will/shall not+ do.

:am/is/are置句首或will/shall 置句首。

helento shanghai next week.(fly)


概念: 立足於過去某一時刻,從過去看將來,常用於賓語從句中。

時間狀語: the next day(morning, year…)

① was/were/going to + do ;② would/should + do.

① was/were/not + going to + do; ② would/should + not + do.

① was 或 were 放於句首;② would/should 提到句首。

helen said sheto shanghai the next month.(fly)



a. 一般現在時 : am /is /are +done b.

b. 一般過去時 : was/were + done

c. 含情態動詞的被動語態:情態動詞+be +過去分詞 can be done

d. 現在完成時的被動語態:h**e/has +been +done

e.一般將來時的被動語態:will/be going to + be +done

f.復合賓語的被動語態: (主動語態中不帶to,被動語態中要加to)make /help /let/ h**e/ sb.

do sth. ask/tell sb to do sth see/hear sb do sth see/hear sb doing sth

2.注:變被動語態時不要去掉組成謂語動詞短語的任何乙個詞we must take good care of him.

=he must be taken good care of.(of不能漏掉)

you can catch up with us soon.=we can be caught up with soon.



the accident happened on a busy road yesterday.(happen/take place)


(五官feel/taste/look/sound/smell, 五變become/turn green/grow/go bad/get warmer/, be, keep fit/healthy, seem):

the girl looks like her sister.

don』t cross the road until the lightgreen.

this dressnice.(look)

c.英語中有些動詞用主動語態表示被動語態。(表示物體本身所具有的一種性質)sell/write/read/wash/ride/cut well

the cloth washes well ./ this kind of bags sells well. / the shoes wear long. /

the knife cuts well. / the pen writes smoothly. / this coat lasts long .

習題:our classroomclean) every day.

how oftenyour clotheswash)? every two days.

he is madestay) at home on sunday.

the twinsask) to come again yesterday.


現在完成時 present perfect tense 基本概念助動詞has h e 動詞的過去分詞 概念 表示乙個過去發生的動作對現在產生的結果和影響。有的語法書上稱之為現在完成時的 完成用法 eddie has eaten my food.eddie ate the food and now h...


概念結構時間狀語否定和一般疑問句 主語 am is are not 一表示經常 反 生的動作或者is am are般行為及目前的某種狀況,還可以現v.原形 v.單三在用來表示某個事情的特點和性時質。h e haswas were一 般表示過去某個時間裡發生的動作 過或者狀態,過去習慣性經常性的動詞過...


時態列表比較及具體運用 一般現在時 一 要點提示 一般現在時主要用動詞原形表示,但是當主語是第三人稱單數或者單數名詞時,動詞的形式要發生變化,其變化規律是 1.一般動詞後加 s,如 wears,reads,plays,likes 2.以s,x,ch,sh結尾,後加 es,如 watches,brus...