語法題析 11基本句子結構

2022-12-14 17:09:03 字數 2361 閱讀 3007












(1)in addition to pleasure, _____ excitement, challenge, and relaxation.(a) the providing of garrets(b) games if providing

(c) the games which provide(d) games provide

[答案] d空格前為一介詞短語、空格後為三個並列名。此句即無主語,也無謂語,故選擇含有動詞的答案(d)。尋找動詞是最快捷的途徑。

(2) _____has won consistent praise for her novels about black children.

(a) virginia hamilton who(b) because virginia hamilton(c) virginia hamilton(d) the fact than virginia hamilton

[答案] c空格後面是謂語動詞形式has own,故空格內應主語句詞,即(c)。(3)with affection and humor, poet phyllis mcginley _____ of ordinary life.(a) the virtues were praised(b) praised the virtues(c) she praised the virtues(d) her praise of the virtues

[答案] b此句有主語,但缺謂語動詞,故選擇(b)。(4became a state in 1876.

(a) when colorado(b) colorado(c) it was colorado(d) colorado which

[答案] b空格後的謂動詞be came表明應選擇乙個名詞作主語,即(b)。2.主句和從句皆要有完整的主語和謂語

(1)because it hardens soft metals such as tin and lead, _____ in alloys.

(a) antimony is used(b) using antimony(c) antimony uses(d) to use antimony

[答案] abecause引導的狀語從句主謂結構完整,而主句卻主謂俱缺,故選擇主謂完整而句意正確的答案(a)。(2) the dominant philosophy of the age of enlightenmers _____ in the universe in termsof forces that could be detected by the human senses.(a) an explanation for everything(b) attempted to explain everything

(c) everything was an attempt(d) explained and attempted

[答案] b這是個含有定語從句的復合句。主句缺少謂語動詞,故選擇(b)。答案(d)亦為動詞,但缺少賓語。

(3)_______ that both birds and mamma 8|5 become larger, their metabolite rates per unitof tissue decrease, and they generally live longer.(a) the truth(b) if true

(c) it is true(d) to be true

[答案] c空格後面的連線詞that表明此處應填入主句,即含有主語和謂語的答案。四項選擇中只有(c)是完整的句子。

(4) to an optician who _____ the lenses.

(a) grinding(b) grinds(c) they grind(d) are ground



句子成分 一 語文句子成分 把句子成分的劃分重點放在單句上,考試中關於單句的題還是比較多的,至於複句你只要掌握幾種明顯的關係就可以了,如果有具體的疑問,請你把相關的問題說出來,可以為你參謀一下 完整的句子結構是 定 主 狀 謂 補 定 賓 例如 我們 學生 一定 要 學 好 專業 課程 定語用在主語...


如 give,consider,provide等。還有象上次講過的這個不定代詞 of 限定詞 名詞其中 不定代詞是指 much,many,little,a little,few,a few both,all none,some,any either,neither.限定詞是指 冠詞,代詞,所有格。這...


he is a new student.他是個新生。但副詞,動詞不定式,介詞短語等作定語時,則放在被修飾的詞之後。the bike in the room is mine.房間裡的自行車是我的。3 狀語 修飾動詞,形容詞,副詞以及全句的句子成分,叫做狀語。用作狀語的通常是副詞,介詞短語,不定式和從句...