
2022-12-22 07:30:02 字數 2783 閱讀 2871


unit2 after school

1、複習鞏固句型:what day is it today? it』s......

what lessons doyou h**e today? i h**e...... i don』t h**e......


2、能初步聽懂、會讀、會說、會運用句型when do you get upevery day? i get up at......提高性目標:

△. 3.複習一周七天的英文單詞及學科類單詞,並嘗試綜合運用。

1、複習鞏固句型:what day is it today? it』s......

what lessons doyou h**e today? i h**e...... i don』t h**e......


2、能初步聽懂、會讀、會說、會運用句型when do you get upevery day? i get up at......以及回答i h**e…






復備step 1: greeting and warm upsing a song《days of the week》step 2: revision【達成目標1、2】

talk教師與學生交流對話,複習單詞及句型(1).t:(出示日曆) what day is it today?s: it』s monday?

t: what lessons do you h**e today?s: i h**e(we h**e)......

t: do you h**e an art lesson today?s:

no. i(we) don』t h**e an art lesson today.(2).

t:(師指另一天) what day is it?s:

it』s saturday.

t:what lessons do you h**e on saturday?s:i don』t h**e any lessons on saturday. ......


t: look. this is helen』s timetable. what lessons does she

h**e at school on tuesday?

s: she has maths, english, music and art.

t: what lessons does she h**e after school on tuesday?s:

she has a swimming lesson....... and answer like this in pairs.

to design your timetable and talk about it in 3: presentation【達成目標3】watch and answer.


let』s watch the cartoon and try to answer these when does mr rooster (公雞先生) get up?q2: when does bobby get up?

s: watch and answer them.

do you get up every day?」t: teach this read it one by and answer like this:

t: when do you get up every day?s:

at......t: when do you go to school every day?

s: at......t:

when do you h**e lunch every day?s: at......

t: when do you go home every day?s:


in and what day is that day?

q2: does bobby h**e any lessons on that day?t: read the text, and underline the answer.

s: it』s saturday. i don』t h**e any lessons on and and repeat.


reading 自己單獨讀b.跟夥伴扮演角色讀c.跟夥伴齊讀

d.比一比,賽一賽,誰讀得好,模仿得像。step 4: ticking time


listen and read cartoon time ,try to act it out.(聽、讀cartoon time,並試著演一演。)發展性作業:



unit 2 after school

what day is it (today) ? it』s ......

板書設計what lessons do you h**e today/on....? i h**e......

do you h**e......on....? yes, i do.

no, i don』 do you get up every day? i get up at...

作業設計try to translate:



數學是 自然規律和社會規律的科學語言和有效工具,是自然科學 技術科學等學科的基礎,是促進人類文明和進步的重要源泉和動力。數學在形 類理性思維和促進個人智力發展的過程中發揮著獨特而不可替代的作用。小學數學是義務教育階段的一門重要的基礎學科,加強數學學科建設,對於促進教師的專業發展,提高教師的教科研能力...


module 3 unit 1 point to the door.教案 一 教材分析 本課教材是義務教育課程標準實驗教科書,小學三年級 三起 上冊第三模組單元一 指向門 這一內容。之前學生已經學過了1 2模組的內容,知道了簡單的問候語,如hello,good morning,how are you...


一 指導思想 弘揚 厚積薄發,追求卓越 探索發現,實踐創造 的朱棣文精神,深化教學六認真管理,進一步提高管理效能,形成具有我校特色的管理模式 圍繞學校的工作重點,以 十三五 課題 兒童學習導向的教學行為改進研究 為抓手,塑造 簡約 開放 課堂,狠抓教學過程管理,不斷提高教育教學質量,努力提公升學生的...