
2022-12-23 23:45:04 字數 2744 閱讀 4141





m: hello, may i speak to mr. smith?

w: hello, this is amy. may i h**e your name, please?

m: this is bobby.

w: i』m sorry, but mr. smith is h**ing a meeting at the moment.

m: how long will it take?

w: i』m not sure, maybe 20 or 30 minutes.

m: well, would you please tell him to call me at 11:30?

w: sure, i』ll tell him as soon as the meeting is over.

m: thank you, bye.








1. w: here we are in the zoo now. what would you like to see first, peter?

m: elephants. they are my f**orite.


2. w: what a day! raining again.

m: yeah. i hate rainy days.


3. w: do you like beijing opera?

m: no. but my grandmother likes it very much.


4. w: hey, nick! mary』s birthday is coming soon.

m: oh, is it? when?

w: on the 24th, friday.


5. w: sorry, sir. i』m late.

m: what』s wrong with you, lucy?

w: i missed the bus so i had to walk to school.







w: look. this is a photo of my sister, mary. it』s my f**orite.

m: she』s really cute. where did you take it?

w: um, at the park near here.

m: she is playing basketball. did she h**e a game that day?

w: yeah, a big game.

m: so cool. well, who is this girl? your sister, too?

w: no, just mary. one sister is enough! (read the sentence with a proud feeling!)




w: what』s the matter, tony? you don』t look very well.

m: i』ve got a bad headache.

w: oh, my! you』ve got a fever.

m: i do feel terrible.

w: well then, stay home. don』t go to school today.

m: ok, mom.

w: now drink some water and try to get some sleep.

m: i don』t want to sleep, mom. can i watch tv?

w: no, i don』t think that』s a good idea. you need a rest.

m: can i h**e some cookies then?

w: hmm, yes. i』ll get you some. and milk too.

m: thank you, mom.





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