
2023-01-04 01:39:01 字數 3700 閱讀 9541


bruce is talking with his aunt maria, a movie star.

a: do you like your work, aunt maria?

b: 76it' s interesting.

a: but you' re so busy. do you feel tired?

b: sometimes. i can play with my dog in the park. 77

a: what kind of people don』t you like?

b: people who don't tell the truth. 78

a: me neither. what's your f**orite english word?

b: 「sorry」. the english say 「sorry」 all the time.

a: is there someone important to you?

b: family and friends. 79

a: grandma is really great. is there something special you do every day?

b: that's hard to say. 80oh, i know. i try to help someone every day.

參*** 76. yes, very much77. it helps me relax.

78. i don』t like to be with them79. and your grandma is very important to me

80. let me think.


a: amy, you look unhappy. 76

b : my mother was annoyed with me this morning.

a: 77

b: i often spend too much money on the things i don' t need.

a: that』s too bad.

b: yes, i know. but i can't stop doing that. 78

a: sure. everyone does.

i often get up late and h**e no time for breakfast. i want to change the

bad habit, 79

b: that』s true. i hear friends can help. 80

a: that sounds good. i promise to help.

b: me, too!


76. what』s wrong/the matter(with you)?/what』s up?

/ what』s the(your) trouble/problem?/what happened(to you77. why/ for what78.

do you h**e any bad habits

79. but it』s/that』s (too/very)hard/difficult; it』s not easy80. let』s help each other.

c 根據下面的對話情景,在每個空白處填上乙個適當的句子,使對話的意義連貫、完整。

a: hi ,tom! 76

b: i』d love to, but i』m afraid i won』t h**e time this weekend.

a: 77

b: well, my father has arrived back from australia. and we』re going to h**e a big party to


a: really? 78

b: he』s an engineer, and he works on physics.

a: he』s so great. 79

b: since last winter.

a: that』s a long time. 80

b: all my family will come for a big barbecue. my sister and i will prepare things all day on


a: what a lot of work for you! i hope everything goes well with you.

b: i』m sure it will be a great day. thank you.

參*** 76. would you like to go to the cinema/ would you like to go for a picnic?

77. what are you doing78. what dose your father do?

79. how long has he been in australia80. how will you celebrate it?

d 根據下面的對話情景,在每個空白處填上乙個適當的句子,使對話的意義連貫、完整。

a: hi, kate. what are you to do this weekend?

b: 76mum.

a: school? 77

b: because there is going to be a graduation ceremony.

a: how wonderful!

b: would you like to go with me?

a: yes, i』d like to. 78at the ceremony?

b: i』ll give a speech at it. i will be more confident if you are there with me.

a: i』m glad to hear that.

b: by the way, 79

a: i think we can take a bus there tomorrow.

b: 80let』s get ready for it now.

a: hmm, let』s go.

參*** 76. i』m going to school77. why/ for what?

78. what are you doing79. how can we go there?

80. that sounds good.

e 根據下面的對話情景,在每個空白處填上乙個適當的句子,使對話的意義連貫、完整。

a: what can i do for you?

b: 76do you h**e any empty rooms?

a: we still h**e some. 77

b: of course a cheap one.

a: well, a cheap room will cost only 68 yuan.

b: ok. i』ll take that. 78

a: well, it』s 508. here is your room card.

b: thank you.


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