
2023-01-08 21:42:02 字數 2436 閱讀 7219

六年級英語第一周週末練習(unit 1) 2012-8-30

擬卷人:金海瑩 138審閱:張建祥

一、英漢互譯。 (20分)

1. only four years old6.問一些問題

2. ben』s cousin7. 發出噪音

3. 散步8. 鳥籠

4. 不同的含義9 .公共標誌

5. keep quiet10. 遠離

二、按要求寫單詞。 (18分)

1. do (第三人稱單數2. should not (縮寫形式)________

3. smoke (現在分詞4. they (賓格

5. keep (名詞 (現在分詞

三、所給詞的適當形式填空。 (10分)

1. gao shan isshow ) his stamps to _____( i ) now .

2. don』tmake ) noise here .

3. what do the signsmean )?

theymean ) we shouldn』t walk on the grass .

4. what are the students _____(do) ? they』reread) books .

5. my fatherplay ) basketball every afternoon .

6. the sign on the wallmean ) 『danger』 .

7. there are threepeople ) in my family .

四、選擇填空。 (20分)

( )1. i like english. how ____ you ?

a. are b. do c. about

( )2. does su hai h**e hobbies?

a. some b. anyc. all

( )3. the girl usually plays the violin sunday morning.

a. at b. in c. on

( )4. he ____ to school from monday to friday.

a. go b. goes c. going

( ) park keeper comes to .

a. him b. he c. his

( )6. what __ the signs mean?

a. does b. do c. are

( )7. the boy draws _____ .

a. carefulb. carefully c. be careful

( )8. the policemana note on the grass.

a. points b. point toc. points to

( )9. what does 「no

a. take photos, meansb. taking photos, mean c. littering, mean

( )10. give me __ orange, please. i want big orange.

a. an, an b. a, an c. an, a


1. li ming can sing an english song. (改為一般疑問句)

2. we should be quiet in the reading room. (改為同義句)

3. it means 「no littering」. (對畫線部分提問)

4. the children are flying kites in the playground. (改為否定句)

5. that』s an apple. (改為複數句)

6. means, walk, on, shouldn』t, the, we, it, grass. (.)(連詞成句)


1.mr smith正在公園裡散步。

mr smith isin the park.


what ______ they ______? theyin the classroom


it』s tooigo home now.


can youtheon the grass? whatit


youmake noise, the children


there are aaround our house.


a policemanup to him


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