初三一輪複習八下M7 8練習

2023-01-13 19:33:05 字數 3620 閱讀 2050




1.熟記m7-8**現的hardly等單詞、wake up等短語,並靈活運用狀語從句2.通過自主梳理,合作**,學會構建模組知識樹,並對複習效果自我評估。








1. can you _______ at 2:30 mum?

a. wake me upb. wake up mec.

awake me upd. awake up me2. the physics teacher told the boys and girls that light _______faster than tr**elb.

tr**elsc. tr**eledd. was tr**elling3.

this song is very beautiful _______its lyrics(歌詞)

a. exceptb. except forc.

besidesd. beside4. mr.

chen is ____, so don』t make any noise.

a. sleepyb. going to sleepc.

sleepingd. falling sleep5. what he said _______the english teacher________.

a. make, angryb. makes, angrilyc.

makes, angryd. made, to be angry6. there is a boy ____ tom in our class.

i saw him____on the playground just calling, playingb. called; playedc. called; playingd.

calling; played7. i felttried because i hadhomework.

a. too much; much toob. very much; too muchc.

too much; very muchd. much too; too much8.—who do you usually spend your holiday ____?

—of course my forb. aboutc. withd.

/9. our teacher made a ____ of books for us to read during the summer noteb. showc.

menud. list

10. mary has been in beijing for two years and she has ____ chinese friends littleb. a littlec.

fewd. a few11. iyou to h**e a wonderful with your classmates on the hopeb.

wishc. askd. think

12. try to guess its meaning when you meet a new word. don』t ____ the dictionary all the work onb.

wait forc. depend ond. take up13.

when i got home, i found my brother _____ model makesb. madec. maked.

******14. mr smith asked _____ off because he didn』t feel three dayb. three daysc.

three days』d. three-day15. on the first day the teacher let us ____ resolutions for the new term.

a. makeb. to makec.

writed. to write16. i won』t spend _____ much time _____ video games.

a. such; playingb. such; playc. so; playingd. so; play

17. ---hurry up! the bus is coming.

---wait a minute. don』t cross the street ___ the traffic lights are untilb. afterc.

whiled. since

18. they were celebrating the new year _______ it rained tillb. whenc. as soon asd. if

19fine weather! let』s go for a picnic onfine day.

a. what a, such ab. what, such ac. how, sod. how, so river isriver in china.

a. the first longestb. the one longc. the one longestd. the first longe二、單詞的適當形式填空

1. i rememberturn off ) the light in my bedroom, but now it』s still on.2.

mother promisedbuy ) a new bike for me.3. if henot be) earlynot wait) for him.

4. we must clean and tidy the room when we finishpaint).5.

it』s hard work to get everything ready on timeprint).

6. if hepass) the exam, his fatherbuy) him a computer.7.

certainly i posted your letter—i rememberpost) it.8. shefall) in love with the house as soon as she saw it.

9. theylisten) to the teacher attentively(專心地)when the bell _______(ring).10.

we couldn』t decide whetherbuy) the red one or the blue one.三、翻譯句子(c層選做)

1.超市在飯店的對面。(opposite2.黃河是中國最長的河之一。(one of )


the national galley

4.昨天我們在公園裡玩得多開心啊!(h**e fun5.他還對許多其它的事情感興趣。(also, be interested in)




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