
2023-01-16 21:21:04 字數 1759 閱讀 3427


1.在表示請求,建議,希望得到對方肯定回答時,常用含有some的不定代詞something,somebody,someone等。 would you like something to eat?

often引導的特殊疑問句及其答語。how often意味「多久一次」,用啦對頻度提問。其答語通常是頻度副詞always,usually,often,sometimes,never,once a week,every day等表示頻度的詞或短語。

---how often do you exercise? ----every day.

3.由than構成的比較級的句子。 i』m more outgoing than my sister.

as構成的同級比較的句子。 tom is as hard as jack. they work as hard as you.

5.有比較範圍的最高端的句子。 tom is the tallest in his class/ of all the students.

6.含有比較等級的特殊句型。the more, the better.

the weather gets hotter and hotter.

beijing is one of the largest cities in china.

7.疑問詞+動詞不定式 they are talking about when to h**e a party.


---what do you think of the movie? ---i don』t mind it./ i can』t stand it.

/i love watching it.

i think you』ll h**e a great time. i don』t think he will go to the party.

to be +n 想成為---

--what do you want to be when you grow up?

--i want to be an engineer.

going to do sth打算,計畫做某事

i am going to h**e a picnic on sunday. there is going to be a football game next week.

do 將要 what will the future be like? will people use money in 100 years?

many+可數名詞複數問可數名詞的數量 how many rooms are there in your family?

how much+不可數名詞問不可數名詞的量 how much milk is there in the bottle?

how much be +n 提問價錢 how much is the coat?

表示邀請 can you come to my birthday party?

--sure,i』d love to. ---sorry, i am afraid not. i h**e to look after my sister.

引導的條件狀語從句 if you go to the party, you』ll h**e a great time.


should we ask people to bring food? i think you should go to college.



名句名著 八年級上 名句默寫 1 土地平曠,屋舍儼然阡陌交通 2 山不在高水不在深 3 苔痕上階綠往來無白丁。可以調素琴,無絲竹之亂耳 4 予獨愛蓮之出淤泥而不染中通外直香遠益清,亭亭淨植 5 大道之行也 6 造化鐘神秀 7一覽眾山小。8 國破山河在感時花濺淚家書抵萬金。白頭搔更短 9 夜久語聲絕天...


3 陋室銘 中以 交往之雅 表明 陋室不陋 的語句是 4 秋詞 中直接表明詩人豪邁樂觀的詩句是 5 請你從積累的古詩文中,寫出乙個與 田園生活 有關的完整詩句 5 在橫線上寫乙個句子,要求與下面這個句子的句式相同。2分 例句 人生的意義在於奉獻而不在於索取。如果你是一棵大樹,就撇下一片陰涼 如果你是...


1 鄂 豫 y 綏 su 靖 j n 阻 z 遏 銳 ru 不可 k 當 d n 2 尖 ji n 利 l 能 n n 耐 n i 悠 y u 閒 xi n 寒 h n 噤 j n 陰 y n 慘 c n 仄 z 歪 w i 央 y n 告 o 轉 zhu n 彎 w n 抹 m 角 ji o 月 ...