
2023-01-29 07:51:04 字數 4333 閱讀 8810


unit 10 if you go to the party, you』ll h**e a great time!

the second period (section a grammar focus-3c)


一.teaching aims:

1. knowledge goals:

1. new words: upset, taxi, advice, potato chips,chocolate.

2. key phrases: ask sb. to do sth, too…to do sth….

tomorrow night,tomorrow night, take a taxi, bring food,

give sb. some advice,

3. key structures:

1) i don』t know what to do about going to mike』s

birthday party tomorrow night.

2) if i go to the party, they will be upset.

3) also, i』m not sure how to go to the party.

4) can you give me some advice please?

4. grammar focus.

2. ability goals: to improve ability of reading and writing, to improve ability of communication.

3. moral goals: to be able to give help when someone needs, to obey the rules in school.

二.teaching important points:

1. key vocabulary: advice, take a taxi, give sb. some advice.

2. grammar focus: if+will.

三.teaching difficult points:

grammar: if+will.

四.teaching tools:

blackboard, *****s.

五.teaching procedures:

step 1 greetings

great the students as usual.

step 2 warming up

①revision: words, phrases, grammar

②pairwork: make dialogues using the following structures.(進一步鞏固if+will)

-what will happen if i get up late on monday morning? –if you…,…will…

-i think i』ll go to the movies with my parents. –if you do, you』ll…

step3 reading

①(2d role-play)get two students to read the sample dialogue, then ask the students to

role play the dialogue in pairs. finally, divide the whole class into two big groups

and read the dialogue together.

②grammar focus: ask students to read the statements and responses together.

step 3 presentation

①lead in: listen to a song 「if you are happy」. ask a question 「what will you do if you are happy?

」 get some students to answer the question, and then continue asking 「what will you do if you are upset?」 write the student』s answers on the blackboard.

②learn the new words together: upset, advice, taxi.

③section a 3a. (我能獨立完成,比比誰完成得又快又好)

fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets individually.

ask two students to write the answers on the blackboard and check them together.


what』s the matter with tina?

what do tina』s parents think she should do tomorrow night?

what will tina』s parents feel if tina goes to the party?

what did mike tell tina to wear?

will tina go to the party by taxi? why?

(我們都是好幫手)如果我是su mei, 我會建議tina…小組討論如何幫助tina,組長記錄組員的建議,討論好後舉手匯報。(鼓勵學生積極討論回答)

④section a 3b. 我會完成句子。complete the sentences using your own ideas.

i will not h**e enough time to study

if i will not make any friends

if 我能積極讀出自己所完成的句子。

step 4 practice section a 3c

(groupwork) 我們是小作家,四人一組一起合作寫一寫,看誰的故事最精彩

write a story with your group on a piece of *****. the first person begins the story with 「i think i will…」 the others add sentences with 「if」. pass the ***** around twice.

then read the story.

i think i will go to the movies tonight. if i go to the movies, i won』t finish my homework. if i don』t finish my homework…


step 5 教師點撥

1. i don』t know what to do about going to mike』s birthday party tomorrow night.

what to do是由疑問詞加不定式構成的賓語。疑問詞what,which,whom或疑問副詞how,when,where可加乙個不定式構成不定式短語,在句中作賓語,通常放在tell,show,teach,learn,know,wonder,forget,find out等動詞或動詞短語的後面,並可以改寫成賓語從句。

例如:can you tell me what to do next?

= can you tell me what i should do next ?


i don』t know how to do it .

= i don』t know how i can do it.我不知道該怎樣做。

2. can you give me some advice please?

advice是不可數名詞,表示 「一條建議」用a piece of advice,「一些建議」是some advice;給某某一些建議:give sb. some advice.

can you give me some advice, please? 能請你給我一些建議嗎?

step 6 summary

new words: upset, taxi, advice.

key phrases: tomorrow night, take a taxi, bring food, give sb. some advice,

key structures: if you do, you』ll…


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