
2022-01-30 20:50:38 字數 1208 閱讀 2465


do you understand? (懂嗎?)


is that clear? (清楚了嗎?)

get the picture? (你了解情況嗎? )

do you know what i mean? (你懂我說的意思嗎?)

are you listening to me?(你在聽嗎?)

are you blind? (你不知道嗎?)

you know what i'm talking about. (你明白我說的意思吧。 )

i said that, didn't i? (我是那樣說的吧? )

do you know that?(你知道那事嗎? )

do you happen to know...?(說不定你知道……吧? )

i can't tell the difference.(我辨別不出來。 )

can you hear me? (你聽得見嗎?)

did you hear me?(你聽見我說的了嗎? )

●同意i understand. (知道了。)

see? 明白了嗎?

i understand very well. (完全明白。)

i think i understand. (我想我懂了。 )

i see what you mean. (我明白你說的了。 )

i know that too well. (我太清楚那種事了。 )

i see your point. (我明白你的意思。)

i get it. (噢,我終於明白了。)

i got it. (這樣啊,原來是這麼回事。)

i know that much!(這點事兒我還是知道的。 )

that solves it. (原來是這樣啊!)

all right, all right. i understand. (好吧,好吧,我知道了。)

i know. (我知道呀。)

i know that person.(我認識那個人。 )

i know him by sight. (我見過他。 )

yeah, i heard about it.(嗯,我聽說了。 )

i hear you. (我聽著呢。/我知道了。)

i'm following you. (我理解了。 )

makes sense. (言之有理。 )


1,absolutely.絕對不是。2,areyoucomingwithme?你跟我一起去嗎?3,areyousure?你能肯定嗎?4,assoonaspossible.盡快。5,believeme.相信我。6,buyit.買下來。7,callmetomorrow.明天打 給我。8,canyousp...


1.i m not myself我煩透了 2 don t bother me!別煩我!3 give me five more minutes please。再給我五分鐘時間好嗎?4 how did you sleep?你睡的怎麼樣?5 don t hog the bathroom 別佔著衛生間了!6...


1.i m not myself我煩透了 2 don t bother me!別煩我!3 give me five more minutes please。再給我五分鐘時間好嗎?4 how did you sleep?你睡的怎麼樣?5 don t hog the bathroom 別佔著衛生間了!6...