
2023-01-24 07:06:04 字數 4955 閱讀 1674

1. 他喜歡和人們打交道。she likes to play games with people.

2. 我想要和英國學生們交朋友。i want to make friends with english students.

3. 媽媽總是在週末時去商店。my mother always goes to the store on weekends.

4. 尼克從來不打掃他的房間。nick never cleans his room.

5. 這個女孩喜歡冰激凌,它嘗上去很好。the girl likes tastes good.

6. 在體育課上,我們要麼打籃球要麼踢足球。in class, we either play basketball or play soccer.

7. 我的父母通常在晚飯後散步。my parents usually take a walk after dinner.

8. 湯姆是需要做大量的家庭作業。tom always needs to do lots of homework.

9. 吃很多蔬菜是健康的。it is health to eat many vegetables .

10. 圖書館在電視台和服裝店中間。the library is between the tv station and the clothes store.

11. 你認為珍妮的新衣服怎麼樣? what do you think of jenny』s new clothes?

12. 我們希望你的所有的夢想都能實現。we hope all your dreams can come true

13. 我想下周一離開去廣州。i want to le**e for guangzhou next monday.

14. 晚飯後讓我幫你洗碗。let me help you to do the dishes after dinner.

15. 你的父親對你要求嚴嗎?is your father strict with you?

16. 記得給我打**, 湯姆。remmber to call me , tom.

17. 所有的學生都應該遵守規則。all the students should follow the rules.

18. 坐在教室裡學習的學生太多了。too many students sit in the classroom.

19. 這張全家福有點舊。this family photo is kind of old.

20. 我的妹妹能單腿跳很長時間。my sister can jump on one leg for a long time.

21. 林鑫可以打一整天的籃球。linxin can play basketball all day.

22. 咱們先看老虎吧。let』s see the tigers first.

23. 我表弟的寵物貓非常漂亮和可愛my cousin』s pet cat is very beautiful and cute.

24. 漢堡包是由蔬菜,雞肉,和麵包製成的。the hamberger is made of vegetables, chicken and bread.

25. 今天是星期一, 別忘了穿校服。today is monday.

don』t forget to wear the school uniform.

26. 這些學生們現在處於危險中。these students are in danger now.

27. 他們砍到了那棵樹來過河。they cut down that tree to cross the river.

28. 這個動物園是我最喜歡的地方之一。the zoo is one of my f**orite places.

29. 出去吃晚飯怎麼樣?how about eating out?

30. 露西正在向她媽媽學做湯。lucy is learning to make soup from her mother.

31. 露西在聽**,她的父母在一家商店購物。lucy is listening to the music her parents are shopping in a supmarket.

32. 我的朋友中的乙個來自美國,他非常可愛。one of my friends is from the united states.

he is very cute.

33. 我不喜歡出去吃飯,因為它花費太多錢。i don』t like eating out , because it cost too much money.

34. 在端午節前,我們不得不包粽子。

before the brugon boat festival ,we h**e to make zongzi .

35. 我不必天幫我的媽媽做早餐。i don』t h**e to help my mother make breakfast every day.

36. 這位老人從不迷路。the old man never gets lost

37. 鮑勃在使用電腦還是在看書?is bob using a computer or reading a book?

38. 這種寵物很漂亮,但是有點兒懶。this kind of pet is very beautiful, but kind of lazy .

39. 你為什麼不喜歡那位新老師呢?why don』t you like that new teacher?

40. 七月份這裡非常乾燥而且熱。it is evry dry and hot here in july.

41. 埃公尺正在用功備考 amy is studying hard for the test

42. 這個冬天你想去哪個國家度假?which country do you want to go on vacation?

43. 你的妹妹在寫信給她的朋友還是在游泳?is your sister writing to her friend or swimming?

44. 他們正在愉快的做著美味的湯。they are h**ing a great time ****** delicious soup.

45. 你可以乘公共汽車去超市。you can take the bus to go to the supermarket.

46. 這附近有超市嗎?is there a supermarket near here?

47. 我看著她在屋裡彈鋼琴。i watched her playing the piano in the room?

48. 沿著**大街走,你就會看到那個銀行。walk along center street,

49. 他的姑姑住在這附近。his aunt lives near here.

50. 你能幫我捎個口信嗎?can you help me to take a message?

51. 最近怎樣?how it going?

52. 我媽媽經常看著我做作業。my mother often watches me do my homework.

53. 我爺爺喜歡在晚飯後去散步。my grandfather enjoys taking a walk after dinner.

54. 格林街上沒有郵局。

55. ----課桌上有一些書嗎?---- 不,沒有。

56. 籃子裡有三個蘋果和乙個桔子。

57. 你喜歡睡覺前讀書嗎?。do you enjoy reading before going to bed?

58. 告訴他晚上不要出去。tell him not to go out at night.

59. 沿著這條街走,你就能在你的左邊找到餐館。walk along this street, and then you can find the restaurant on your left.

60. 他們在河裡游泳,玩得很愉快。they h**e a great time swimming in the river.

61. 最終,他們在下午去了超市。in the end, they go to the supermarket in the afternoon.

62. 能再給我乙個漢堡包嗎 ?can you give me aother hamburger?

63. 在你**前吹滅蠟燭。blow out the candles before you go to bed .

64. 這種裙子在這名女演員穿過它後邊得很流行。this kind of skirt gets popular after the actress wears it.

65. 美國籃球世界聞名。amrican basketball is famous around the world.

66. 每個人都能許願。each person can make a wish.

67. 如果我有時間,我將和朋友們去動物園。if i h**e time ,i will go to the zoo with my friends.


2012 2013學年下學期期末考試 七年級英語質量分析 七年級英語期末試卷充分體現了新課改的精神,切實有效地考察了所學知識內容,增強了對學生自主學習與 性學習能力的考察,較好的體現了學生的全面發展,引導新課程的實施,全面落實了課程標準所設定的目標。下面對試卷試題進行具體分析 一 試題基本情況 本試...


本學年,我擔任七年級 2 班英語教學工作,在工作中從各方面嚴格要求自己,認真學習,深入研究教法,積極與同科目的教師 虛心向他們學習先進的教學方法。結合本校的實際條件和學生的實際情況,勤勤懇懇,兢兢業業,使教學工作有計畫,有組織,有步驟地開展。經過我的努力,獲取了很多寶貴的經驗。以下是我在本學期的教學...


2010 2011學年度第二學期七年 級英語總 結科任 楊德 2011 7 2010 2011學年度第二學期七年級英語總結 本學期,本人擔任七年級乙個班的英語教學工作,能夠愛崗敬業,勤勤懇懇地工作。乙個學期來,主要做了以下的工作 一 抓好學生的學習思想,提高學生的學習質量 1 以教書育人為本,對學生...