
2023-02-06 00:18:04 字數 1143 閱讀 2292






research on the present situation and developing strategy of japanese traditional craft industry

zhang li-wei(guangzhou university,guangzhou 510006,china)

abstract :with the development of the change of modern social structure and mode of industry, the traditional arts and crafts of industrial are facing tremendous pressure of inheritance and development. this ***** mainly analyzes the current situation of japanese traditional art and crafts industry, the government, enterprises and association to support the methods and countermeasures.

and reveal the japanese thinking, methods and new directions on the traditional art and crafts education. to study and explore the purpose is to provide reference for the development of china』s traditional crafts, and caused the academia from perspectives attention to development of traditional craft industry.

一本機械知識庫 釀酒的傳統工藝

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