
2022-10-30 06:21:05 字數 2410 閱讀 1503

ⅲ.fast reading(初聽快讀)

listen and match each paragraph with the question it discusses.


ⅳ.careful reading(精讀)

1 .read paragraph 1 .answer the questions.

1). what do the robots look like in the movies?

2). what can the robots do for people?

2 .read paragraph 2 . complete the sentences about what robots can do now.

1).there are already robots _____ in factories.

2).robots can build ____ in factories.

3). they can do _______ jobs many times and never get ______.

paragraph 3 . mark true or false.

1). japanese companies h**e already made robots sing and dance.(f)

2). some scientists think that there will be robots like humans, but mr. white disagree.(t)

3).t:which side do you agree with?


paragraph 4 and decide true or false.

1).some scientists believe that there will be more robots in a short time.(f)

2). robots will h**e different shapes in the future.(t)

3). human robots can help look for people under the buildings.(f)

ⅴ. after reading(讀後活動)

retell the article複述課文

1. ask ss to retell the article according to the blackboard design.

2. do 2c and 2d, check the answers.

(設計意圖:板書設計中的關鍵詞對學生複述課文很有幫助. 2d的任務是從文中尋找合適的單詞,補全這段縮寫,從而加強對文字的理解。)


t: now let』s discuss something which you can』t understand . then find out the key points in groups of four.


)ⅶ. extended reading (拓展閱讀)

read the passage and finish the exercise.


ⅷ. . discussion and writing (討論與寫作)

1. discussion .

if i h**e a robot, i hope that it will be like …,it will be able to ...


2. writing


i think some future robots might look like spiders. they will be able to help us clean the windows, sweep the floor.



1. read the passage after class.

2. write your own ideas about robots.

blackboard design(板書設計)


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新魯教版八上Unit 7單詞默寫表

unit 7 1.娛樂 遊戲 n 2.遊樂場 3.在某處 到某處 adv 4.照相機 攝影機 攝像機n 5.發明 發明物 n 6.發明 創造 v 7.難以置信的 不真實的 adj 8.進步 進展 v n 9.迅速的 快速的 adj 10.特別的 不尋常的 adj 11.坐便器 廁所 n 12.鼓勵 ...


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