
2022-10-31 12:06:04 字數 3287 閱讀 7919




( ) 1. a. wearb. hair c. he**ier

( ) 2. a. angry b. funny c. windy

( ) 3. a. washed b. watched c. what

( ) 4. a. monday b. yesterday c. day

( ) 5. a. holiday b. horse c. hotel


( ) 1. who is mary2. which ruler is jim』s ?

( ) 3. who is your brother4. what did she do last weekend?

( ) did you go last sunday?


( ) 1. what did mike do yesterday?

a. he made his bedb. he did his homework.

( ) 2. what was the matter with jim?

a. he had a coldb. he had a fever

( ) 3. did mary read a book last night?

a. no. she didn』tb. yes, she did

( ) 4. did tom see the film?

a. yes, he didb. no, he didn』t.

( ) 5. what did mike do last sunday?

a. he washed his clothes. b. he did his homework


1. sheatwith her mother.

2. howare you?

3. she went boating

4. amy isthan ann.

5. ia cold last



( ) 1. a. watchedb. washedc. cleaned

( ) 2. a. hadb. magazine c. fast

( ) 3. a. betterb. beforec. become

( ) 4. a. photob. lotc. dog

( ) 5. a. showb. howc. now


( ) 1. a. wentb. want c. played

( ) 2. a. hisb. she c. her

( ) 3. a. wasb. isc. am

( ) 4. a. thinnerb. long c. tall

( ) 5. a. biggerb. better c. small


1. how tare you?

2. i wtv last night.

3. i』m going to sa film next weekend.

4. i』m 3 years othan her.

5. whose shoes are smike』s or jim』s?


( ) 1you taller than mike?

a. isb. amc. are

( ) 2. ---what did lisa do yesterday? ---sheto music.

a. listensb. listenc. listened

( ) 3. how ________is your mother?

a. olderb.

( ) 4. i』m taller than

a. yourb. youc. yours

( ) 5. ---howare your feet? ----i wear size 19.

a. bigb. longc. he**y

九、 選出與圖意相符的句子。(10分)

十、 給下列問句選擇正確的答句。(10分)


i'm tom. jim is my good friend. he is younger than me.

but he is much taller. we usually do sports on the weekend. but last saturday he was at home and did housework.

because his mother had a cold. jim cooked breakfast at seven o'clock. after breakfast, he washed the clothes and cleaned the room.

in the afternoon, he took his mother to see the doctor. in the evening, he did homework. jim was so tired.

but his mother was very happy. 」jim, you are helpful. you are a good boy!

」( ) 1. jimisyoungerandtallerthantom.

( ) 2. tomandjimusuallyh**eclassesontheweekend.

( ) 3. jimcleanedtheroomlastsaturdaymorning.

( ) 4. lastsaturdayeveningjimdidhomework.

( ) 5. jimisagoodboy.




2015年春季學期期中測試卷 六年級英語 考試時間 60分鐘滿分 100分 聽力部分 40分 聽錄音,選擇你所聽到的單詞,注意聽兩遍。10分 1.a.atb.thatc.than 2.a.fellb.felt c.feel 3.lower washedb.watched c.what fasterb...


it s monday.5 i m you are you are you singthis way.四 選出下列句子正確的答語。5分 colour is black and white.this a a snake.nine.old are youd.nice to meet you too.to...


課題 recycle 1 第一課時 六年級英語 學科 導學教案使用時間 2013年 10月編寫人 尹英利審核人 溫馨寄語 all for one,one for all.我為人人,人人為我 課型 複習訓練課 學習目標 1.能夠聽懂 會說 認讀let s read i部分的對話並能完成文後判斷正誤的練...