
2022-11-02 04:30:02 字數 1941 閱讀 6820




1. 作動詞的賓語

(1) 由that引導的賓語從句(that 通常可以省略),例如: i heard that he joined the army.

由whether (if) 引導的賓語從句,例如:i wonder whether you can change this note for me.

(2)由who, what, which,引導的賓語從句she did not know what had happened.

(3)由when, where, how, why引導的賓語從句

2. 作介詞的賓語例如:our success depends upon how well we can cooperate with one another.

3. 作形容詞的賓語例如:i am afraid (that) i』ve made a mistake.

that 引導的從句常跟在下列形容詞後作賓語: anxious, aware, certain, confident, convinced, determined, glad, proud, surprised, worried, sorry, thankful, ashamed, disappointed, annoyed, pleased, hurt, satisfied, content 等。也可以將此類詞後的that 從句的看作原因狀語從句。

4. it 可以作為形式賓語 it 不僅可以作為形式主語,還可以作為形式賓語,而真正的賓語that 從句則放在句尾,特別是在帶復合賓語的句子中。 例如:

we heard it that she would get married next month.



引導表語從句的連詞有…as if , as though.

the trouble is that i h**e lost his address .

the question is whether they will be able to help us .

the problem is who we can get to replace her .

that was what she did this morning on reaching the attic .

the question is how he did it .

從屬連詞if一般不用來引導表語從句,但as if 卻可引表語從句,如it looks as if it』s going to rain.

all this was over twenty years ago ,but it』s as if it was only yesterday .



1.這些名詞有,如:hope, plan, fact, news, problem, truth, idea, information等,此時同位語從句具體介紹這些名詞的內容。

2. 引導同位語從句的從屬連詞:

the fact that he will come is surprising.他要來的事實出乎人們的意料。

the teacher g**e the order that the students should hand in their homework at once.

will they discuss the problem whether the sports meet will be put off this afternoon? 他們今天下午將討論運動會是否推遲舉行的問題嗎?

do you agree his idea when we will le**e?/ how we will get there?/how we should do it.

從句 表語從句

表語從句 一 定義 a.表語從句就是用乙個句子作為表語。說明主語是什麼或者怎麼樣,由名詞 形容詞或相當於名詞或形容詞的詞或短語充當,和連繫動詞一起構成謂語例句 the problem is when we can get a pay rise.問題是,當我們可以得到加薪。b.連線表語從句的連線詞有 ...


賓語從句和定語從句的區別用法與考點 賓從 1 從句在句子中當賓語,刪去之後整個句子不完整2 無先行詞 考點 1時態2.語序3.引導詞 陳述句 that 可省略 一般疑問句 whether if 不可省略 特殊疑問句 疑問代詞 what,who,whom,whose,which 均在句子中充當 疑問副...


初中英語教研組 初三英語 重要詞彙 短語講解及賓語從句講解 主講師 何敏時間 2012 9 8 教學目標 1.讓學生掌握本模組重要詞彙及短語的運用。2.讓學生掌握賓語從句的用法。3.讓學生練習中考題型。教學重難點 1.學生能夠掌握本模組的重要詞彙 短語的運用。2.學生能夠掌握賓語從句的知識並且正確運...