
2022-11-02 13:00:07 字數 4049 閱讀 8325


part ilistening 聽力

section 1

directions: in this section, you will hear five short sentences and questions. there are three pictures marked a, b, and c for each question.

choose the picture that best matches the question. each sentence and question will be read twice. you will h**e 10 seconds for each question.



1.w: mary lives in yancheng and she wants to go to beijing.

m: how does mary go there quickly?



w: the final exam is coming and i want to prepare for it.

m: where should the speaker go ?



w: i don』t go to work and do housework at home every day.

m: what is the speaker?


4. w: what do you think about my new watch i bought yesterday?

m: what did the speaker buy yesterday?



w: the concert is to begin at 10 o』clock tonight and we』ll h**e an hour to go.

m: what time is it now?



part ilistening 聽力

section 2

directions: in this section, you will hear a dialogue, and fill in the blanks according to what you hear. the dialogue will be read twice.

you will h**e 1 minute for the task. (填空。在本節中,你將聽到一段較長的對話。


)參***:(6). sunday (7). the great wall (8). history (9). suzhou gardens (10). soup


m: hello, mary. it』s a fine day, isn』t it ?

w: yes , it is. today is sunday. i』d like to visit the great wall.

m: why do you want to visit the great wall?

w: because the great wall is china』s landmark building and it is a building with a long history. i want to learn its history.

m: oh,i see. do you like china?

w: sure. i like china very much.

i particularly like china's attractions. for example, the huangshan mountain ,suzhou gardens, etc. i will visit them next time.

m: oh, really? but i prefer chinese food, such as: hunan food, sichuan food and so on.

w: yes, chinese food is delicious. ah, it』s twelve o'clock. let us taste sheep soup.

m: good idea. let's go.

part iireading 閱讀

section 1

directions: in this section, you will read five short texts. there is a question and four possible answers for each text.

choose the best answer for each question. (選擇題。在本節中,你將讀到5個簡訊息。


1.what does the sign mean?

a. both people and bike can cross.

b. people can cross but not the bike.

c. bike can cross but not people.

d. neither people nor bike can cross.

2. what does the spoonful want?

a. it wants to thank the customer.

b. it wants to help the customer.

c. it wishes the customer to do a survey.

d. it wants to do advertisements.

3. survey

the maximal pressure from the students in vocational schools.

what does the survey suggest?

a. over half of the students worry homework most.

b. least of the students worry daily cost.

c. nothing change amount to 15% of the total students.

d. least percentage of students choose other reasons.4.

what is this note for?

a. asking for two days』 le**e.

b. asking the doctor to treat him.

c. describing his illness to the doctor.

d. asking the doctor to give him two days』 le**e.

5.from the survey, we can seepeople fail to choose for?

a. 26% b. 41% c. 33% d. 74%


part iireading 閱讀

section 2

directions: in this part, you will read five short descriptions and six pieces of information related to them. match the description and the related information and fill in the brackets with the letters.

notice there is one extra piece of information you do not need.(資訊匹配。在本節中,你將讀到5段描述和6條相關的資訊。


附錄3職業英語技能 服務類 技能大賽規程

參賽選手入場須攜帶身份證及學生證以備查驗。參賽選手不得攜帶與比賽無關的任何物品進入賽場,手機必須關機 如發現任何作弊情況將取消比賽資格,並予以通報。比賽正式開始至比賽結束期間,選手不得離開賽場 比賽期間不得在賽場內喧嘩 如果不聽工作人員勸告,影響比賽正常進行,將進行通報。比賽過程中或比賽後發現問題 ...


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