
2022-11-18 17:24:06 字數 4584 閱讀 6513




誤:the price of the apple is very cheap in august.

正:the price of the apple is very low in august.

析:在英語中修飾**一般常用high, low. 而商品本身才用形容詞cheap ,expensive或dear連用.

可見cheap與漢語的「便宜」並非完全對等,在英語中 cheap指價位低的同時,也反映「質量差」。在廣告類語境中,用reasonable 來替代cheap 會收到良好的效果。

誤:i mean to take the album along, but i forgot, so we went and fetched it.

正:i mean to bring the album along, but i forgot, so we went and fetched it.

析:在漢語中「帶」本身無方向性, 在英語中「帶」法各異。bring(帶來)、take(帶去)、carry (攜帶) 和fetch(拿了某物又回到原地)。

順便提一下,動詞send (讓人送去),不是親自送去,如:instead of taking it myself, i』ll send it.

誤:i persuaded my brother into giving up smoking, but he wouldn』t listen to me.

正:i tried to persuade my brother into giving up smoking, but he wouldn』t listen to me.

析:表達法persuade somebody into doing something 或persuade somebody to do something本身包含「說服某人做某事」,並不等於漢語的「勸說」。從下文來看,勸說沒有成功,要用try to persuade somebody to do something或try to persuade somebody into doing something.

誤:traffic in our city is too crowded.

正:traffic in our city is too he**y.


」當然正確形式也可以改成:the streets are crowded with vehicles and people.

誤:luckily, our team won theirs in the end.

正:luckily, our team beat/defeated theirs in the end.

析:win 表示「勝」、「贏」其賓語不能直接跟表示人稱之類的單詞。如果一定要用人稱作賓語,可考慮使用beat 或defeat.

誤:he is possible to come.

正:he is likely to come.

析:possible 不能用人做主語。事實上, 不能用人稱作主語類似的形容詞還有impossible, necessary, unnecessary, convenient等。

誤:china is belong to the developing country.

正:china belongs to the developing country.

析:顯然本句的錯誤在於誤把belong當作了形容詞。事實上,動詞belong 不用被動語態,也不用進行時態。

誤:they marched towards the direction of the famous church.

正:they marched in the direction of the famous church.

析:在漢語中有「朝……方向」的說法,而在英語中,direction一詞只能和介詞in搭配,而介詞towards從來也不與direction 連用。本例句可供參考的另一種正確的改法:

they marched towards the famous church.

誤:he came true his dream.

正:his dream came true./ he realized his dream.

析:come true為不及物動詞,不能接賓語。根據能否接賓語的特點看,類似還有表達法:

go off /set off , go off/ turn off前者是不及物動詞,後者是及物動詞。某些動詞如happen ,appear等,在英語中是典型的不及物動詞,而漢語習慣表達卻常常可以接賓語。在漢語中「發生變化」、「出現奇蹟」諸如此類表達相當地道。

誤:he has got up for about 2 hours.

正:he has been up for about 2 hours.

析:get up是短暫性動詞,其肯定形式不能與一段時間狀語連用,而在漢語中,無論是延續性還是短暫性動詞都可與一段時間狀語連用。其它常見的短暫性動詞還有buy ,marry , join, le**e, come, die, borrow等。




誤:though canada is very large, but the population is quite small.

正:though canada is very large, the population is quite small.

析:在英語中關聯詞though 和but 只能出現一處。同理,because 和so也屬於這種情況。

誤:he agreed me to use his computer.

正:he allowed me to use his computer.

析:agree, refuse , attract ,demand, hope ,suggest, welcome等詞不能接不定式作賓補,而在漢語中這些復合表達法很常見。

誤:in our school there are 5 students attend the meeting.

正:in our school there are 5 students attending the meeting.


誤:his left eye is blind.

正:he is blind in the left eye.

析:在英語中blind的主語一般是人稱。在漢語,「瞎」的主語一般可以是眼睛。同理,deaf, lame 等詞也有類似的用法。

誤:my teacher patted my shoulder.

正:my teacher patted me on the shoulder.

析:pat, catch, hit, seize等動詞根據英語習慣用法,一般接復合賓語,其賓語往往是動作的承受者,用介詞短語作賓語補足語。

誤:he will by plane to guangzhou.

正:he will go to guangzhou by plane.



成語「亡羊補牢」,潛台詞是「為時不晚」。英語也有相仿的表達法:to mend the stable after the horse was stolen, 但它的潛台詞卻是「為時已晚」。


black sheep 害群之馬

as timid as a hare 膽小如鼠

sixes and sevens 七上八下

a cat on hot bricks 熱窩上的螞蟻

the apples in one』s eyes 掌上明珠

as wet as a drowned rat 濕得像落湯雞

goose flesh 雞皮疙瘩

kill two birds with one stone.一箭雙鵰

to spend money as water 揮金如土


」相對應英語不能直譯為「please eat slowly.」而要說:「take your time.

」 或「please enjoy your meal.」 再如,漢語「食言」,不能簡單地套用eat one』s words, 而應作「break one』s words」解,表達法「eat one』s words」對應的漢語意思相當於「承認某人的錯誤」或「收回某人所說的話」。凡此種種,需要特殊對待,強化記憶,不斷模仿套用,只有厚積薄發才能在英語寫作時「洋」味十足。


浪湧 衝擊 抗擾度試驗介紹 姜寧浩

國網南京自動化研究院國家電網公司自動化裝置電磁相容實驗室 姜寧浩浪湧抗擾度試驗所依據的國際標準是iec61000 4 5 2005,對應國家標準是gb t17626.2 200x 電磁相容試驗和測量技術浪湧 衝擊 抗擾度試驗 浪湧抗擾度試驗就是模擬雷擊帶來的干擾影響,但需要指出的是,考核裝置電磁相容...


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