
2022-11-22 01:24:06 字數 1962 閱讀 5308


課題名稱:unit1a land of diversity(知識點)授課班級:高二(1)(2)班上課時間:2011-3 課時:2

教學目標: 熟練掌握本單元單詞;通過閱讀文章了解重點詞彙的用法.

教學重點: students to master the words and phrases;

2. get to know the main idea of the reading passage;

3. learn to use the words and phrases in this unit.

教學難點: to know the usage of some key words and phrases;

2. encourage more students to get involved to the class.



california n. 加利福尼亞(州)

illustrate vt. 說明;闡明

distinct adj. 清晰的,明顯的,明確的

distinction n. 差別,區分,卓著

immigrant n. 移民

live on 繼續存在,繼續生存

strait n. 海峽

means n. 手段,方法

by means of… 用……的辦法;借助……

prehistoric adj. 史前的

majority n. 大多數,大半

ministry n. 部,牧師,牧師的職責

catholic adj.天主教的

n. 天主教徒

make a life 習慣於新的生活方式、工作等

despite prep. 儘管,不管

hardship n. 苦難,困苦

elect vt. 選擇,決定做某事,選舉某人

federal adj. 聯邦制的,聯邦**的

rail n. 鐵路;扶手;橫條

percentage n. 百分比,百分率


city is enjoying a ____(繁榮) in tourism.

government is planning to relax restriction on _______(移民).

was elected ______(副職) president.

were all moved by his sense of _____(正義).

______(海關) h**e made their biggest ever seizure of heroin.

is a ______(天主教徒).

i ran across the road, my foot _____(滑到) and i fell.

strange idea suddenly o_____ to me.

your families won』t accept me as a new member.

ordinary families can afford to h_____ servants.

policeman has the a______ to arrest lawbreakers.

r____ in teaching methods is warmly welcomed by students.

panda is found in china, and n_____ else.

was e_____ as our monitor


a life

up in

great/good many

to lakes







Unit 1單詞 片語 句子

1.對 好 2.做調查卷 3.合計你的分數 4.和你的朋友一起去看電影 5.完成清理你的自行車 6.計畫做某事 7.使 被修理 8.你的朋友來到學校非常的沮喪。9.忽視那個鈴 10.使你的朋友平靜下來 11.不得不 12.關心 13.下課 14.去度假 15.照顧 16.當你遛狗的時候,你不小心,並...

初二下Unit 1學案

unit 1 will people h e robots?一 重要短語 1.五年之後2.去滑冰3.太空站4.在電腦上學習5.喜愛上 6.看上去時髦7.養隻寵物鸚鵡8.上大學 9.穿 10.度假11.在未來 12.能夠 13.實現14.坐火箭到月球15.活到16.世界盃 17.將會有18.飛到月球 ...


book4單詞 unit1 good morning 早晨好 good bye再見 name名字 unit2 scared害怕的 angry生氣的 tired累的 bored無聊的 unit3 house屋子 living room客廳 bedroom臥室 kitchen廚房 bathroom浴室 ...