
2022-11-25 12:54:04 字數 4059 閱讀 5721







a) 聽錄音,在每組句子中選出乙個你所聽到的句子。每個句子聽一遍。(5分)

1. a. i often help with houseworkb. they watch tv once a week.

c. we are very busy this week.

2. a. jack likes to do the same things as meb. mike can play the piano very well.

c. my brother is as serious as my sister.

3. a. do you like to watch sports showsb. did you make any resolutions?

c. can you go to the baseball game?

4. a. students often h**e a lot of problemsb. it is good to relax through exercise.

c. let』s make some beef noodles for sue.

5. a. what do you usually do on weekendsb. what』s the best movie theater to go to?

c. what』s your prediction about future?


6. abc.

7. a. bc.

8. ab. c.

9. abc.

10. abc.

c)在錄音中, 你將聽到一段對話及五個問題。請根據對話內容及問題選擇正確答案。對話及問題聽兩遍。(5分)

11. a. he watched tvb. he visited his unclec. he studied for his tests.

12. a. she went to summer camp.

b. she went to hong kong. c.

she went to new york city.

13. a. her fatherb. her motherc. her friend.

14. a. a watchb. a hatc. a wallet.

15. a. for five daysb. for a weekc. for two weeks.

d)在錄音中, 你將聽到一篇短文及五個問題。請根據短文內容及問題選擇正確答案。短文及問題聽兩遍。(5分)

16. a. 9b. 10c. 11.

17. a. mathb. sciencec. chinese.

18. a. he felt angryb. he felt tiredc. he felt hungry.

19. a. on the plateb. in the bowlc. in the box.

20. a. tomb. tom』s fatherc. tom』s mother.


21.lily goes tobed/ early every evening.

a.pet b.batc.bedd.dad

22.most of people here like going to work bybaik/.


23.dogs are very friendly. they can help people to do lots ofw:k/.

a.warm b.workc.world d.what

24.it』s impolite to speak loudly inpblik/. please keep your voice down.

a.popular b.problem c.probably d.public

25.i had a very unusualiks'pirins / on sunday

a. expensive b. exercise c. example d. experience

iii. 選擇填空從每題a、b、c、d四個選項中,選出乙個最佳答案。(30分)

26. —excuse me, bob. what』s this in english? —it』seraser.

a. a b. an c. the d. /

27. —is thisnotebook, helen? —yes, it』s mine.

a. you b. yourc. yours d. ours

28. —do you likejim? —yes, i do. i really like oranges.

a. vegetableb. musicc. sportd. fruit

29. --would you like to go to the concert with me?

--i'd love to, ______ i'm afraid i h**e no time.

a. sob. orc. andd. but

30. —where is australia? —let』s lookthe map.

a. in b. at c. from d. like

31. father』s day is onsunday of june.

a. threeb. the three c. third d. the third

32.—are you taller than your cousin, mikeno, i am as ______ as him.

a. tallb. tallerc. the tallerd. tallest

33. —____ are the national games held, do you know? —it』s often held every four years.

a. how soon b. how far c. how often d. how long

34. . —did you h**e a good school trip yesterday? —no. itall day.

a. rainsb. is rainingc. rained d. will rain

35.---i don』t like living in such a big city. it』s too noisy.

---oh, well. i think you could move

a. interesting somewhere b. somewhere quiet

c. warm anywhered. anywhere beautiful

36. —mum, we h**e won the game against yuhua middle school .

a. thank you b. the same to you c. congratulations d. never mind

37. which of the following means 「can be recycled」?

a. b. c. d. [, ]

38. you don't h**e to worry about me. i'm old enough tomyself.


天橋區初中語文 新初一開學第一課實施建議 2012.8 千里之行,始於足下 作為起步的第一節課,對初一新生的小公升初銜接和今後三年的初中學習至關重要。初一新生們往往很迷茫,不知初中各學科該學習什麼 又該如何學習。因此,對學生進行一番初中各學科學習方面的集中教育,為學生指點迷津,這是很有必要的。我們期...


第 1 頁 第一部分,積累與運用 一 6小題,20分 1.下列詞語中,加點字讀音全部正確的一項是 3分 a.懲戒 ch ng 諛辭 y 驀然 m 嗤笑 ch 長吁短嘆 y b.抽噎 y 慰藉 ji 綺麗 y 狡黠 xi 鱗次櫛比 zh c.犀利 x 褶皺 zh 乾癟 bi 褻瀆 d 廓然無累 gu ...


一 選擇題 每小題3分,共30分 1.下列各數中絕對值最大的數是 a.bc.2 d.2.下列運算中,正確的是 a.b.c.d.3.據統計,2014年 五一 期間某風景區接待遊客約1030000人,這一數字用科學記數法表示為 a.0.103 106 b.1.03 106 c.10.3 105d.1.0...