
2022-11-26 06:03:03 字數 3688 閱讀 3796








選擇題 (共80分)


ⅰ. 聽對話選出正確的圖畫。(每小題1分,共5分)

( )1

( )2

( )3

( )4

( )5

ⅱ. 聽句子選擇恰當的答語。(每小題1分,共5分)

( )6. a. sureb. thank youc. certainly not.

( )7. a. you』re welcome. b. don』t say soc. never mind.

( )8. a. i am fullb. i』m excitedc. i h**e a bad cold.

( )9. a. it』s may 12b. it』s six o』clockc. it』s wednesday.

( ) once a week. b. two weeksc. on monday.

ⅲ. 聽對話和對話後的問題,選擇正確答案。(每小題1分,共5分)

( )11. a. in the hospital. b. in a shopc. at school.

( )12. a. blueb. redc. black.

( )13. a. summerb. winterc. autumn.

( )14. a. by bikeb. on footc. by car.

( )15. a. windyb. sunnyc. rainy

ⅳ. 聽對話,根據對話內容選擇最佳答案。(每小題1分,共5分)


( )16. what is the boy doing?

a. borrowing books. b. looking for his bag. c. buying a bag..

( )17. what』s wu zhiyuan?

a. a teacher b. a student. c. a librarian.


( )18. who is wanted on the phone?

a. tomb. henry greenc. mike.

( )19. what time will they be able to meet in the office tomorrow?.

a. at 5:30 b. at 9:30c. at 10:30

( )20. why does henry green make the phone call?

a. because he forgets the time of the meeting.

b. because he wants to change the time of meeting.

c. because he wants to invite tom to dinner.


從a 、b、 c、 d四個選項中選出可以填入空白處的最佳選項。

( )21. i love music, and _____father often takes me to the concert.

mec. myd. mine

( )22. --____is the best student in your class?


a. who b. whatc. whered. when

( )23. i knocked on the door several times but ____answered, so i left.

a. somebody b. nobodyc. anybody d. everybody

( )24. most students think lady gaga is one of ____singers in the usa now.

a. popular b. more popular c. most popular d. the most popular

( )25. --must we get to the theater at 7:00?

--no, you ____. the movie begins at 8:00.

a. can』t b. mustn』tc. needn』td. shouldn』t

( )26. d**id enjoys ____basketball on the playground after school every day.

a. play b. playedc. playingd. to play

( )27. i will tell you the good news as soon as you ____back.

a. come b. camec. are coming d. will come

( )28. mary ____as a volunteer teacher for 10 years.

a. works b. will works c. workedd. has worked

( )29. the new supermarket ____ two years ago.

a. built b. buildsc. is builtd. was built

( )30. i didn』t understand ____ ,so i raised my hand to ask him.

a. what my teacher saysb. what does my teacher say

c. what my teacher saidd. what did my teacher say

( ) 31. i was bornthe morning ______ august 1st, 1993.

a. in; of b. on; of c. on; ford. at; of

( ) 32. the manatees arewe should try to s**e them.

a. endangered b. playful c. aggressived. furry

( ) 33. hurry upyou will be late for school.

a. andb. soc. ord. but

( ) 34. therea knife and two forks on the table.

a. hasb. arec. h**e d. is

( ) 35. this is the book _______ we are looking for.


班級姓名學號 一 選擇題 每題3分,共24分 1 下列計算正確的是 a 3x 2x 1 b 3x 2x 5x2 c 3x 2x 6x d 3x 2x x 2 如圖,陰影部分的面積是 a b cd 3 下列計算中正確的是 a 2x 3y 5xy b x x4 x4 c x8 x2 x4 d x2y 3...


2015級機電班第四次月考電工基礎試卷 48分 班級姓名成績 一.選擇題 每題2分,共20分 1.三相對稱交流電源是將三個單相正弦交流電源按一定的方式進行組合,它們具有的特點 a.幅值相等 b.角頻率相同 c.各相位之間互差1200 d.任意時刻的瞬時值之和為0 2.下列關於線性含源二端網路和電源的...


地理試卷 考生注意 1 本試卷設試卷i ii卷和答題卡紙三部分,試卷所有答題都必須寫在答題紙上,做在試 題上一律無效。2 答題紙與試卷在試題編號上是一一對應的,答題時應特別注意。不能錯位。3 考試時間為100分鐘,試卷滿分為100分。第i卷 選擇題共50分 一 選擇題 本大題共有25小題,每小題2分...