
2022-12-04 00:45:02 字數 2930 閱讀 3352


構成: was/ were + 動詞-ing構成。

用法:1. 表示過去某個時間正在進行的動作。通常由表示過去某一剎那間的狀語: at this/that time,at nine last night等連用。

①he was studying at this time last night.昨晚此時,他在讀書。

②at seven this morning i was listening to the radio.

③the teachers were h**ing a meeting from 9 to 10 this morning.今天上午9點至10點老師們在看會。


①they all worked hard. everybody knew what he was working for.大家都努力工作。人人都知道為什麼而工作。

② a: i beg your pardon, but i didn』t quite catch what you said.對不起,我沒聽清楚你的話。

b: i was asking what you thought of the film.我剛才是問你對這部電影有什麼看法。

③i first met lisa three years ago. she was working at a radio shop at the time.

④don』t interrupt him. he was saying how the firefighter s**ed the boy from the burning building.

⑤ i don』t think jim saw me; he was just staring into space.

⑥a: why didn』t ann see me w**e to her?

b: she was looking in the other direction.

⑦a: can you give me the right answer?

b: sorry, i wasn』t listening. would you please repeat that question?

⑧a: has tommy finished his job yet?

b: i h**e no idea of it, he was doing it this morning.

⑨a: i dropped in to your house at about ten last night, but you weren』t in.

b: i was doing regular exercises at the club.

⑩a: what』s the matter, ali? you look sad.

b: oh, nothing much. as a matter of fact, i was just thinking my friends back home.

3.過去某段時間內,從頭到尾一直在進行的動作,常有:「all the + 時間」和「the whole + 時間」等狀語。

①he was ****** a model plane the whole morning. i supposed he would also do some washing.

②he was swimming all the morning.

③shirley was writing a book about china last year, but i don』t know whether she has finished it. 雪莉去年在寫一本有關中國的書,但我不知道她現在是否完成。(「去年一段時間內在寫」強調動作在進行的情景)

4.從句動作或狀態與主句動作或狀態在同一時間點發生。主句謂語和從句謂語動作都發生在過去,往往是動作時間長的 ( 延續性動詞 ) 用過去進行時,表達談話背景;動作時間短的 ( 瞬間性動詞 ) 用一般過去時,表達新情況。

①the news reached them while(as, when) they were h**ing supper.訊息是在他們吃飯時收到的。

② as she was reading the news*****, granny fell asleep.她讀報時,奶奶睡著了。

③ tom slipped into the house when no one was looking. 當沒有人注意時,湯姆溜進了房子。

④they were swimming in the river when the storm started.

⑤a: what』s wrong with your coat?

b: just now when i wanted to get off the bus, the man next to me was sitting on it.

⑥my brother fell while he was riding his bicycle and hurt himself.

⑦the last time i saw jane she was picking cotton in the fields.

⑧the reporter said that ufo was tr**elling east to west when he saw it.

⑨a: did you go to visit her while she was studying in new york?

b: i had intended to, but i was extremely busy.


my wife was cooking the dinner while i was working in the garden. 我妻子做飯,我收拾花園。

while i was studying, he was singing.我在讀書時,他在唱歌。

過去進行時的用法 整理版

一 1.過去進行時的定義 過去進行時主要表示過去某一時刻正在進行的動作,或表示過去某一階段一直在進行的動作。如 i was watching tv at home last night.昨晚我一直在看電視。2.過去進行時的結構 was were doing 二 過去進行時的時間狀語 1.when 和...


過去進行時態 1.用法 過去某個時間正在發生的動作 例 hewas cookingat six last night.昨天晚上六點,他正在做飯。過去某段時間正在發生的動作 例 iwas stayinghere from march to may last year.去年從3月到5月,我一直呆在這裡。...


一 構成方法 現在進行時由 am is are 加現在分詞構成。二 用法說明 表示此時此刻或現階段正在進行的動作。如 they re h ing a meeting.他們在開會。i m studying at an evening school.我在上夜校。表示計畫或安排好了的將來動作,常與乙個表示...