
2022-12-27 15:36:04 字數 4914 閱讀 8749


starter morning____good afternoon____

good evening____an orange____in english____

a ruler____what color____black and white____

color the picture____small letter____

the question____ first name____

last name=family name____your name ____

telephone number=phone number____idcard____

school id card____unit case____

pencil sharpener____excuse me____

thank you =thanks____computer game____

lost and found____a set of____

in the lost and found case____a set of keys____

call +**號碼____unit 3family photos____

thanks for =thank you for____

thank you very much=thank you a lot____

a photo of your∕my ∕his/her/sb』s family=your ∕my ∕his/her/sb』s family photo ____your sister ____his sisters____my brother____her brothers____family tree____

pen pal=pen friend____

unit the table____on the sofa____in the backpack____video tape____math book____alarm clock____on the bed____take …to____

bring …to____in the drawer____on the bookcase___

how about= what about____on the floor____

my room____unit ball____soccer ball__

tennis racket____ping-pong bat____

play tennis____sound good____sports club____

watch tv____play sport= do sport____

every day____watch them on tv____sport collection___play soccer___play volleyball___play basketball___join sb. __

unit cream___countable noun__uncountable noun__

running star____health food____lots of=a lot of__

go on a picnic____a list of food____french fries__

eat well____very much=alot____

unit much____how many____the red sweater___

these black pants____clothes store ____

at a very good price____h**e a look at ____

look at____on sale____here you are____

you』re welcome____bags for sports____sell to___

unit old____date of birth___play football=play occer__basketball game____volleyball game____

school day____year(s) old____speech contest____

school trip____birthday party____music festival___art festival___mother』s birthday___happy birthday____

unit to a movie__action movie__beijing opera___

learn about chinese history____

go to see beijing opera with her father____

on weekend(s)____on weekdays____f**orite actor___

unit the guitar__speak english__.play chess__

join the club____music club____swimming club____

be good with kids. ____ help kids with swimming ____

play the piano___play the drums____

play basketball____muscic festival___

rock band ____school show ____music room ____

chinese kungfu. ____join the club____need help __help sb with sth ____chess club____

do/play chinese kungfu____ a little/a few___little/few___ email address ____learn about art____

unit time ____go to school ____

get up ____take a shower=h**e a shower=shower____ brush sb』s teeth___go to work ____get to ____

all night____ go to bed____.do homework ____

go home ____in the afternoon _____h**e dinner=eat dinner ____h**e lunch =eat lunch. ____in the evening____

h**e breakfast=eat breatfast____take the number17 bus ____

in the morning ____know about ____get home____

weekend survey ____known about____

unit f**orite subject ____science teacher____ tv show____ last class ____

after class ____chinese history club. ____

be strict ____be busy ____be tired ____

on monday ____play with sb. ____sb's f**orite city ___

run around____



我(i)用am, 你(you)用are,is跟著他(he),她(she),它(it)。單數名詞用is,複數名詞全用are。變否定,更容易,be後not加上去。





this is a flower. 這是一朵花。(近處)

that is a tree. 那是一棵樹。(遠處)

(3)放在一起的兩樣東西,先說this, 後說that。如:

this is a pen. that is a pencil. 這是一支鋼筆。那是一支鉛筆。

(4)向別人介紹某人時說this is…, 不說that is…。如:

this is helen. helen, this is tom. 這是海倫,海倫,這是湯姆。

(5)this is 不能縮寫, 而that is可以縮寫。如:

this is a bike. that』s a car. 這是一輛自行車。那是一輛轎車。

(6)打**時,介紹自己用this, 詢問對方用that。如:

—hello! is that miss green? 喂,是格林小姐嗎?

—yes, this is. who』s that? 是的,我是,你是誰?

(7)在回答this或that作主語的疑問句時,要用it代替this或that。如:①—is this a notebook?

這是筆記本嗎?—yes, it is. 是的,它是。

②—what』s that? 那是什麼?—it』s a kite.



this, that, these和those是指示代詞,these是this的複數形式,指時間,距離較近的或下面要提到的人或事;those是that的複數形式,指時間、距離較遠或前面已經提到過的人或事物。

①this is my bed. that is lily』s bed. 這是我的床。那是莉莉的床。②these pictures are good. 那些畫很好。

③ are those apple trees? 那些是蘋果樹嗎?

在回答主語是these或those的疑問句時,通常用they代替these或those以避免重複。如:④are these/those your apples?

這些(那些)是你的蘋果嗎?yes, they are. 是的,他們是。


一 有理數 一 有理數 1 有理數的分類 按有理數的定義分類按有理數的性質符號分類 正整數正整數 整數零正有理數 有理數負整數正分數 正分數有理數 0 分數負整數 負整數負有理數 負分數2 正數和負數用來表示具有相反意義的數。二 數軸 1 定義 規定了原點 正方向和單位長度的直線叫做數軸。2 數軸的...


第一冊第一章有理數 1.1正數和負數 以前學過的0以外的數前面加上負號 的書叫做負數。以前學過的0以外的數叫做正數。數0既不是正數也不是負數,0是正數與負數的分界。在同乙個問題中,分別用正數和負數表示的量具有相反的意義 1.2有理數 1.2.1有理數 正整數 0 負整數統稱整數,正分數和負分數統稱分...


1 六類營養物質 食物中含有醣類 脂肪 蛋白質 水 無機鹽 維生素。醣類 脂肪 蛋白質共同點 能提供能量,組成細胞的主要物質。2 醣類 人體內主要的供能物質富含醣類的食物 蔗糖 大公尺 小麥 饅頭 馬鈴薯,蛋白質 與生長發育及受損細胞的修復和更新有關富含蛋白質的食物 奶 蛋 魚 肉等。脂肪 備用的能...