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unit8 surprise endings



graduation n.畢業present n.禮物

centn.分search v.搜尋

afford v.買得起album n.相簿;影集

kneen.膝蓋goods n.「pl.」商品;貨物

chain n.鍊子stepn.腳步聲

billn.賬單draw v.掏出

setn.一套america n.美洲

comb n.梳子accuse v.控告



at last終於;最終count v.計算

fix…on集中(目光;注意力等)於 hold out 遞出

(be) accused of 被控告…;被指責…

under the name( of ) 用…名字;以…假名

look for尋找;尋求instead of 代替

be tired of 對···感到厭煩 pass by過去

be proud of 為···而自豪hear about 聽說

in return 作為回報be good with sb. 與某人相處得好


1. gift n. 禮物present n. 禮物=gift

the gift came as a complete surprise(to me). 這件禮物完全出乎(我的)意料。

don』t look a gift horse in the mouth. 不要對禮物吹毛求疵。

gift n. 天賦,天資

lang lang has a of music. 朗朗有**天賦。

2. graduation n. 畢業典禮

i saw little or nothing of him after graduation. 畢業後我幾乎沒有看見過他。

graduate v. 畢業,使畢業 n. 畢業生 graduate from 從…畢業

theyhigh school last year. 他們去年高中畢業。

he is a graduate of harvard他是哈弗大學的畢業生。

3. present n. 禮物

lucy bought a combfor kate』s birthday.


present n. 現在 at present = in the present 現在,目前

i h**e no enough material in hand目前我手頭沒有足夠的資料。

present adj. 出席的

a number of local personalities were present at the meeting. 一些當地名人出席了會議。

4. step n. 腳步聲

tom heard the steps of his father at last, so he rushed to open the door.


step n. 步驟=stage step by step 循序漸進地

step one, we should make a rough sketch of the story.


he will be promoted他將被逐步提高。

5. draw v. 掏出,拔出 draw- drew- drawndraw v. 拖動,拉, 畫(線)

draw… from/out of … 從…掏出,抽出,拔出

she open the bag and drew some pieces of ***** out of it. 她開啟包掏出一些紙。

will you draw the curtain across the window把窗簾拉上好嗎?

mary drew a house on the *****瑪麗在紙上畫了一棟房子。

6. set n. 一套,一組 set v. 「放, 擱」。set out \set off 出發 set up 建立設立

a set of... 基本意思:一套。set 是可數名詞,有複數形式。

there laythat she had always wanted.


7. note n. 筆記,記錄take notes 做筆記

i 『ve also written some notes under each photo.


please take notes of the important while you read.


8,afford 及物動詞,意為「買得起,擔負得起(···的費用)」,後面接名詞、代詞或動詞不定式作賓語, 通常用在can, could, be able to 等之後。

afford sth. 買得起 afford to do 負擔得起做某事


can you afford to pay such a price?

9,present 此處作可數名詞,意為「禮物」。


present 用作名詞,還可意為「現在,目前」;at present 「目前,現在」。

the past, the present and the future過去、現在和未來


10,be fixed on...意為「集中於···」 =pay attention to… \focus on\ concentrate on


拓展:fix... on... 意為「把(目光、注意力等)集中於···」。


all the studentsthe teacher.

11, be gone 意為「去了;離開;消失」。

the unhappy days are gone forever

辨析:gone, lost與missing

he is他去世了。

i _______ my pen. 我的鋼筆丟了。

there is a pagefrom this book. 這本書少了一頁。

12, be born as... 「天生是···;生來就是···」。


13, be accused of ...意為「被控告···;被指責···」。

the shop assistant was accused of cheating customers.


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