
2023-01-03 01:21:02 字數 4185 閱讀 7481

exercise for unit3 how many


1. 許多只熊貓2. 十三隻猴子

3. 十七個朋友4. 兩個姐姐

5. 我的玩具汽車6. 許多洋娃娃

7. fifteen balls8. very beautiful

9. eighteen stickers10. i can do this


1. --- do you h**e十九)stickers? --- yes, i do.

2. --- how many friends do you h**ei h**e only o______.

3. i h**e m_______ grapes. i l_______ grapes very much.

4. --- c______ i h**e an orangeyes. here you are.

三.找出下列每組單詞中劃線部分讀音與其餘兩項不同的一項 (5%)

( ) 1. a. elevenb. dollc. ruler

( ) 2. a. thirteenb. thisc. these

( ) 3. a. sixteenb. eighteenc. nineteen

( ) 4. a. stickerb. surec. some

( ) 5. a. dob. fourc. two

四、選擇 (20%)

( ) 1. --- look at these ballsthirteen.

a. how manyb. how nicec. how old

( ) 2sure. here you are.

a. let』s make a toy tiger. b.

do you h**e a toy tiger? c. can i h**e a toy tiger?

( ) 3. --- how many _______ do you h**ei h**e three.

a. skirtb. skirtsc. a skirt

( ) 4. --- my balls are _______ that boxlet』s open the box and play balls.

a. onb. inc. at

( ) 5. your dolls are

a. very niceb. beautiful very c. nice very

( ) 6i h**e some pies.

a. what do you h**e b. what would you like c. what do you like

( ) 7. --- can you sing and dance

a. yes, i dob. no, i』m not c. ye, i can\

( ) 8i h**e thirteen.

a. how many books do you h**e b. how many books would you like

c. how many books are in the desk

( ) 9. --- you h**e a nice skirtsure. here you are.

a. can i h**e one? b. can i h**e a look? c. i』d like it.

( ) 10. i h**e eighteen stickers. lookmy stickers.

a. atb. toc. in

五、情景匹配 (5%)

( ) 1. can i h**e onea. i h**e eighteen books.

( ) 2. how many books do you h**eb. thank you.

( ) 3. your skirt is beautifulc. yes, i can.

( ) 4. can you make a caked. i h**e some bananas.

( ) 5. what do you h**ee. ok.

六、根據所給情景,選擇合適的句子 (5%)

( ) 1. 你想知道對方有多少貼紙,你可以問:

a. how many stickers do you h**e? b.

how many stickers do you h**e? c. how many stickers you do h**e?

( ) 2. 你想知道對方會不會打桌球,你可以問:

a. can you play the table tennis? b.

you can play table tennis. c. can you play table tennis?

( ) 3. 你告訴別人你有十六輛玩具小汽車,你可以說:

a. how many toy cars do you h**e? b.

i h**e sixteen toy cars. c. do you h**e sixteen toy cars?

( ) 4. 你問別人你能否要乙個橙子,你可以問:

a. can i h**e an appleb. can i h**e a orange? c. can i h**e an orange?

( ) 5. 你想誇獎這些貼紙很漂亮,你可以說:

a. these stickers are very beautiful. b. it』s very beautiful. c. thank you.

七、連詞成句,並寫出句子的意思 (10%)

1. your; cars; mother; and; father; do; how; h**e; many (?)

2. table; tennis; you; can; play (?)

3. pens; h**e; i; thirteen (.)

4. you; like; how; many; bananas; would (?)

5. one; h**e; i; can (?)

八、根據中文提示完成對話 (20%)

1. --- 你有多少本英語書我有十五本。

do you h**e? --- i h**e

2. --- 我能看一看嗎當然。

ia3. --- 你們有多少位老師我們有12位。

teachers do you h**e? --- we

4. --- 我能要乙個嗎好的。給你。


1. a: look, bobby! what』s that?

b: it』s a b_______.

a: what』s i______ it?

b: let me see. they are some balls.

a: how many b_______?

b: one, two, t_______.

2. a: what do you h**e, wang bing?

b: i h**e some b_______.

a: h_______ m________ do you h**e?

b: i h**e n________.

a: c_______ i h_______ o________?

b: s_______. h_______ you a_______.

a: t_______.


hello! i』m mike. i h**e a big family.

they are my grandpa, grandma, father, mother, brother, sister and i. my grandpa and grandma h**e three mangoes and thirteen apples. my father and mother h**e two mangoes and nineteen grapes.

my brother, sister and i h**e four mangoes and eighteen bananas.

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