
2023-01-05 01:18:03 字數 2920 閱讀 4674

cambrige young learners english test(starters b)



ⅰ.listen and circle.(聽一聽,圈一圈,圈出你所聽到的內容。) 10分

1. g j p b. j p q y k j k



6.7. 8.


ⅱ. listen and number. (聽一聽,排一排,根據內容給下面的**排序。) 8分

ⅲ. lsten and choose.(聽一聽,選一選,選擇你所聽到問題的答句。) 10分

1. ( )a. i』m 11b. i』m 7.

2. ( ) a. i』d like a hot dog. b. i』d like a hamburger.

3. ( )a. he』s runningb. he』s jumping.

4. ( ) a. i like purpleb. i like pink.

5. ( ) a. pencilb. pencil-case

6. ( )a. yes, i dob. no, never.

7. ( )a. i like picture books. b. i like story books.

8. ( ) a. i often play football. b. i often play the guitar.

9. ( )a. they are smelling the flowers. b. they are talking.

10. ( ) a. yes, i canb. no, i can』t.

ⅳ. listen and draw. (聽一聽,畫一畫。) 12分


ⅴ.choose and write.(選一選,寫一寫,將正確單詞或片語寫在**下面的括號裡。) 16分

a. kicking the ball b. sing c. riding a bike d. swimming

e. bouncing a ball f. take a photo g. reading a book h. a birthday party

ⅵ.read and classify the following words.(讀一讀,分一分,將下列單詞分類並寫在相應的方框裡。) 16分

monkey, milk, carrot, hamburger, zero, purple, pentagon, orange, potato, circle, one, coffee, green, noodles, giraffe, pineapple, rabbit, grapes, yellow, sandwich, nine, juice, square, onion

ⅶ. read and match. (讀一讀,連一連,照樣子將左右兩邊單詞或句子連起來。)16分

ⅰ. abab

bigright i』m sorryok, let』s go!

happy night nice to see youyes, i can.

newsmall thank youyes, sure!

tallsad may i come inthank you!

upslow happy birthdayyou』re welcome!

hotold can you singnice to see you, too!

quick short how do you spell turtle? that』s ok.

daydown may i use your scissors? here you are!

leftcold let』s go and join them! t-u-r-t-l-e.

ⅷ.read and choose the answer.(讀一讀,選一選,選出正確答案並把序號寫在題前括號裡。) 12分

1three and seven is_____.

a. ten. b. nine.

2red and yellow is______.

a. purple. b. orange.

3it』s a nice day, isn』t it?

a. yes, it is. b. yes, it isn』t.

4what would you like?

a. i like cakes. b. i』d like cakes.

5do you often eat fish?

a. yes, i do. b. yes, i eat.

6what are they doing?

a. they are smelling the flowers. b they smell the flowers.


a. he』s mike. b. this is mike.


a.thank you. b. i』m sorry, i』m late.


a. may i come in? b. can i ask you some questions?


a. hellob. may i come in?



留洋外語學校劍橋少兒英語一級 unit1 2測試 一.用am,is,are填空。1.it a cat.2.he fred.3.i kelly.4.you a girl.5.they bird.6.how old you?7.what your name?8.my name ted.9.she meg...


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動物螞蟻蝙蝠熊 蜜蜂鳥蝴蝶貓 雞奶牛狗鴨 鰻魚大象魚狐狸 青蛙長頸鹿母雞馬 袋鼠獅子 猴子老鼠 熊貓鸚鵡豬兔子 綿羊蛇蜘蛛老虎 烏龜斑馬數字0 1234 5678 910衣物靴子 運動帽連衣裙 眼鏡手提包 禮帽夾克衫 牛仔褲襯衫鞋短褲 短裙短襪 t恤衫褲子 雨傘背心 水果蘋果 香蕉椰子 葡萄葡萄柚 ...