
2023-01-08 23:30:04 字數 4544 閱讀 3932

15.after i had _______ quick breakfast,i hurried to school.

16.are _______ sheep kept by _______ farmers for producing _______ wool and _______ meat?

17.they went to _______ people's park,but we both went to _______ people's cinema yesterday.

18.i often watch _______ tv in _______ evening.

19. ____ day of ____ december 20,1999 is__ monday.

20.tomorrow is _______ christmas day and my father and i went to choose _______ christmas tree today.

21.i think _______ maths is more important than any other subject.

22.he often goes to _______ school by _______ bike.

23.what does this _______ word meanfather?

24.what _______ important news!


1.—does jim h**e _______ ruler?

—yes,he has

a.an;some b.a;one c.a;/ d.any;one

2.there is _______ old bikeold bike is mr zhao's.

a.an ;the b.the;an c.a;the d.the;the

3apple a day keeps the doctors aw ay.

a.the b.a c.an d.two

4.—how many books do you h**e?

—i h**e _______ book.that's _______ english book.

a.a;an b.a;one c.one;an d.one;one

5.at that time tom was _______ one-year-old baby.

a.a b.an c.the d./

6tiger is _______ china.

a.the;a b.a;the c.the;from d.the;the

7.we can't see _______ sun at _______ night.

a.the;the b.the;/ c.a;/ d./;/

8useful book it is!

a.what an b.how a c.what a d.what

9.one afternoon he found _______ handbag.there wass」on the corner of _______ handbag.

a.a;an;the b.a;a;the c.an;an;an d.the;a;a

10old lady with white hair spoke _______ english well at _______ meeting.

a.an;an;a b.the;/;an c.the;/;a d.the;/;the

11great wall is _______ longest wall in the world.

a.a;a b.the;the c.a;the d.the;a

12new bridge has been built over ____huangpu river.

a.the;a b.a;/ c.a;the d.an;the

13woman over there is _______ popular teacher in our school.

a.a;an b.the;a c.the;the d.a;the

14.he used to be _______ teacher but later he turned _______ writer.

a.a;a b.a;the c./;a d.a;/

15.they made him _______ king.

a.a b.the c.an d./

16.his father is _______ english teacher.he works in our school.

a.a b.an c.the d./

17.is he _______ american boy ?

a.an b.a c.one d./

18.does tom often play _______ football after _______ school?

a./;/ b./;the c.the;/ d.a;/

19.they passed our school _______ day before yesterday.

a.an b.one c.a d.the

20.australia is _______ english-speaking country.

a.a b.an c.the d./

21.she has _______ orange skirtskirt is nice.

a.a;the b.an;the c.an;a d.the;the

22.this is _______ apple.it's _______ big apple.

a.an;a b.a;the c.a;an d.an;the

23.look at _______ horse over there.

a.a b.an c.the d./

24.don't play _______ basketball here.it's dangerous.

a.a b.an c./ d.the

25.there is _______ old woman in the car.

a./ b.the c.a d.an

26.beijing is _______ beautiful city.it's _______ capital of china.

a.a;a b.the;the c./;the d.a;the

27.shanghai is in _______ east of china.

a./ b.an c.a d.the

28.i've been a student there for nearly two and _______ half years.

a.a b.an c.the d./

29.bill is _______ english teacher.he likes playing _______ football.

a.a;the b.an;the c.a;/ d.an;/

30.the museum is quite far.it will take you half _______ hour to get there by _______ bus.

a.an;/ b.an;a c.a;/ d./;/





4.the;the;a。前兩個空都是特指,故填the;後乙個空中的a相當於every或each,three times a day意為「一天三次」。

5.a。go out for a walk意為「出去散步」。





10.a。a second time意為「再一次」、「另一次」。the second time意為「第二次」。此句填a是表示動作的重複,而不能用the(表順序)。


12.the。「the +姓氏的複數」表示「一家人」或「夫妻二人」。由普通名詞構成的專有名詞前應加the。


14.the a;×;×。在球類名稱前不加冠詞。泛指的三餐名稱前不加冠詞。







一 a還是an 不定冠詞有a和an兩種形式其區別是 a用於子音音素前,an用於母音音素前 a boy乙個男孩a big tree一棵大樹an egg乙個雞蛋an old man一位老人 注 有些以母音字母開頭的單詞,由於它不是以母音開頭,其前仍用a he is now a university st...


專題1 冠詞 1.知識點 最高端前用定冠詞 the a sense of 感 eg.a sense of touch 觸覺 a sense of humor 幽默感 2.知識點 as a consequence of 由於 因為 take the lead 領先 帶頭 3.知識點 smoke 不可數...


冠詞包括定冠詞the和不定冠詞a an 定冠詞的用法 定冠詞只有乙個 the 1.特指某 些 人或某 些 物,這是定冠詞的基本用法。beijing is the capital of china.北京是中國的首都。2.指談話雙方都知道的人或事物。open the window please.請把窗戶...