
2023-01-12 22:36:02 字數 4232 閱讀 4925


1. my mother is a nurse. she works in a famous h

2. tom, if you are tdrink this water.

3. when little jack gets excited, he jup and down.

4. with the help of the local people, we found the church e

5. i wonder why i can't get good grades ai h**e been studying so hard.

答案:1. hospital 2. thirsty 3. jumps 4. easily 5. although


1. what a p______ ! i failed the chemistry exam again.

2. my sister often helps me with my homework. she is very h .

3. it has been sunny all day, so i don』t think it will_r_____ tomorrow.

4. if you are _f___ this afternoon, let』s go shopping.

5. listen carefully and _a____ my question.

答案:1. pity 2. helpful. 3. rain 4. free 6. answer


1. we had a long討論 )about the plan.

2. driving on mountain roads always makes me緊張).

3. i寫 )her several letters, hut she didn't reply.

4. he introduced his lovely daughter to the guests高興地 )

5. i couldn't decide是否)or not to go to the party.

答案1. discussion 2. nervous 3. wrote 4. happily 5. whether


1. —why not _______(煮) some noodles for supper?

—good idea!

2. —which季節)do you like best?


3. —your classroom is very乾淨的).

—we sweep the floor twice a day.

4. —i like listening to english歌曲).

—so do i.

答案1. cook 2. season 3. clean/tidy 4. songs


loves playing basketball and practices _______(兩次) a week.

dream is to進入) a medical college in the future.

bottle was full yesterday, but now it』s __. perhaps tom has drunk all the juice in it.

答案: 1. twice 2. enter 3. full


1. he b________ a book from the library yesterday

2. light music often makes us feel r

3. the air will get much f________ when you open the window.

4. my parents are s_______ money to buy a new house

5. the olympics will be h________ in london next year

答案:1. borrowed 2. relaxed 3. fresher 4. s**ing 5. held


1. it』s hot today. let』s go swimming in the s

2. —i』m a teacher, what』s your j_______?

—i』m a reporter.

3. my grandfather has two sons. one is my father, the other one is my u______.

4. the teacher said that the m________ goes around the earth.

5. this place is so beautiful that many artists often come here to d______ pictures.

6. —would you like some more noodles?

—no, thanks. i am飽的).

7. it is禮貌的)to wait in line.

8. mother said to her little daughter, 「you are old enough to look after你自己).」

9. as a student, you shouldn』t抄襲)other』s homework.

10. my teacher often told me to pay注意)to my spelling while i was writing.

答案:1. sea 2. job 3. uncle 4. moon 5. draw

6. full 7. polite 8. yourself 9. copy 10. attention


internet makes our life nicer,_______(容易的) and more colorful than before.

high-speed railway在……之間)beijing and shanghai will be in use soon.

3.—sue, what did you do last sunday?

—i _______(買) a birthday present for my dad.

4.—nancy, i can』t understand the meaning of this word.

—please look it up in your字典).

5.—would you please _______(郵寄) the letter for me? —with pleasure.


1. li na is a famous tennis p______.

2. we can』t l______ to music when the teacher is talking in class.

3. the children had a______ been asleep when i got home .

4. mr li is s_____with his students and makes them work hard.

5. zhou gu was採訪)by the local news*****.

are ______(五十二)weeks in a year.

doctor g**e him some medicine for his serious ______(疾病)。

1. player 2. listen 3. already4. serious 5. interviewed 6. fifty-two 7. disease



unit 1 1.抽認卡 2.詞彙 3.出聲地,大聲地 4.發音 5.詳細的,精確的 6.記憶,背誦 7.語法 8.不同的 9.使沮喪,使失望 10.令人沮喪的 11.快地 12.增加 13.激動的,興奮的 14.根本不,全然不 15.結束,告終 16.發音 17.口語的,口頭的 18.慢地,慢慢地...


人教新目標九年級英語全冊單詞 unit1 1.教科書 課本n 2.交談 談話n 3.大聲地 出聲地 adj 4.發音 讀音n 5.句子 n 有耐心的 n.病人 7.表情 表示 表達方式 n 8.發現 發覺v 9.秘密 n 秘密的 10.查閱 抬頭看 11.語法n 12.重複 重做 v 筆記 記錄v....

九年級11 12單元單詞

九年級units 11 12 單詞,短語 一.名詞.1.公共廁所 咖啡館 4.部,局,部門 魔術 小丑,丑角 10.市場 11.命令,指示 吻,親吻 14.國家,國土 叉,餐叉 17.肘,肘部 匙 20.刀 pl.21.垃圾 22.象徵 23.記號,符號 24.電子郵件 25謎語 二.動詞.1.實驗...